Sunday, December 5, 2010

Giving back is the best

Today, I chauffeured around two little cubs as they went door to door for the Annual Salvation Army food drive. The boys ran from house to house like they were trick or treating and collected so much food for the less privileged. I loved it. We toasted our effort with some hot cocoa and a donut and gathered for a group photo. I find it one of life's great generosities to show children the art of helping those in need and my boys at such a tender age understand it. It's the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Now we're off to a hockey game, maybe my boy will score again. No pressure.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Help, I have a teenager with all the classic signs or I should say behaviours. I am trying to remember if I gave my parents a run for their money? I think I did. Karma, karma, karma. Good Lord help me, lol.

24 Days Until Christmas

Only 24 shopping days until Christmas. I must get into high gear and get this holiday off and running.

Nora Ephron

I became a fan of Nora Ephron after reading her latest book "I remember nothing." She's funny, sassy and clever and an amazing prose composer.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A New Era

A new era emerged over the weekend at my place with the arrival of my treadmill. For years and years, I secretly longed for one and finally it became a reality. I am the type that treadmills were designed for, if it's there I will use it, if not, I won't make any extra effort, especially going to a gym. But my very own has it's own attraction. Today, with the time change I missed critical time as I overslept and waited to get the boys off to school before making my way to my new machine. I love it.

Hence my sore legs. I already developed my own routine and am kinda pissed I buy add-ons. Wish me luck.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Hangover

I woke at 6 am aghast and in a panic. Fuck. I rushed into my boys rooms in a loud voice waking them up. Shit. I am late, so fucking late. I woke the older one first and the little one last to make shower time work. Fuck. I quickly made a cup of caffeine knowing I would not have a moment to drink it. You think Hot Husband would help out. He was in his own delirious sleep, so no. I am going to rename him Warm Husband. He is quickly losing his "Hot" title.

I left my house with a grape jelly sandwich in one hand, my purse and keys in the other and two kids beds littered with candy. What am I going to do with all that candy? I am going to invent a Elf who comes in early November collecting candy for children who miss out on Halloween and donate my boys candy for the cause. Of course he will come during the day when they're at school.

Even though I did not consume one ounce of alcohol last night, I have a hangover. I am tired beyond belief, a slight headache and a bad case of the yuck yucks. Hence the Hangover. Have a good day. J

Miraculous Moat

There comes a point in life when you let down your defence system and just accept your life. It's like when you were a teenager and the bad boy liked you but not for the reasons you hoped. But you snuck in one date anyway. Well, that's how I feel today. I am letting down my moat and just accepting what comes over the bridge.

I am resigned to the fact that life sometimes sucks and I just have to suck it up too. Who would have told you that marriage is not all rosy and very challenging at times? Not my mother, she's dead. Not the Does! They all have their own challenges. It's a life lesson, as Oprah would say.

Cheers to a day of letting down the moat!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

After The Master Cleanse

It’s been one month since I tried the Master Cleanse with very positive results. I lost ten pounds and received more compliments on my complexion than ever before. Physically, the cleanse did my body justice. There are days I want the simplicity of the cleanse rather than eating and I am gearing up for one more for this year.

I felt terrific and mentally strong while on it. Now, when hunger seems overwhelming I remind myself that I went seven days without food and did perfectly fine. I do recommend it to anyone wanting to cleanse their body. In my case, I wanted to rid my body of all the impurities that built up from preservatives in my food.

Good health, good life.

Fall Already?

Summer flew by and now my favourite season is here. I feel in love with fall during my college days, walking through the paths of bright orange, yellow and deep brown leaves spotted with the remains of the overnight frost. What really got me into this season was a romanticized dream of holding hands and kissing my boyfriend, as we rustled up the leaves underfoot. The briskness of fall would make our cheeks red and the welcome of warmth at the local cafe as we sat lazily all Sunday afternoon staring into each other’s eyes. I can dream.

I was so freaking shy in college the best I did was look out into the quad as couples walked by and wished some guy would sweep off my feet. I came very close when the most popular guy on campus developed a big crush on me and hounded me for weeks but my shyness won that one.

Fall brings promise the end of growth and time for nature to prepare for a long cold winter and as it should. As the days begin to dim, the nights take on a whole new look. Soon waking my boys for school will start in the dark and coming home too. But it’s also the time for Halloween, rosy cheeks and walking through the forest to take in all the foliage.

Here’s to my favourite season.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mastering The Cleanse

I completed the Master Cleanse last Friday just before leaving for vacation. First, I am proud of doing it and felt amazing, my skin glowed and my tummy flattened. The most amazing thing about the cleanse: it’s simplicity. I seriously got hungry on the seventh day but I lived with not eating a thing for so long the moment passed. I plan on doing it in two more weeks because it made my body feel terrific. In total I lost 10 pounds and regained 3 back which I attribute to water.

I highly recommended for anyone wanting to rid their body of toxins and guck. One word of advice is strictly follow the ease out eating plan to avoid any issues. Should you be interested in the Master Cleanse click on this link:

Good Luck.

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

It's my son's first day of grade 4, his excitement took him to the bus stop in a slight jog to my delight. He changed school last year. After a horrific year with the meanest teachers in the entire school the result was my boy crying and protesting each and every day. He kept telling me he was going back to his old school, even at one point claiming he would run away to his old school. To avoid another miserable grade, I put it in his head the grade four teachers were the best, kindest ones of the whole school. Here's to his first day of school being a success. I cannot wait to see him off the bus.

Day Five of Cleanse

I made it to Day Five of the Master Cleanse and I feel great. It's funny yesterday I spent the afternoon with the other Doe Sisters and as they all lagged and yawned I was filled with energy. That was great triumph for me and one of the greatest test to my stamina being around my sisters who can sometimes be a little more critical than Anna Wintour.

In addition to my new found energy is the fact that I drop a couple of pounds very quickly. Woot, Woot. My goal is 10 days but I will do it one day at a time.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day Three of Cleanse

I am so proud of myself for making this cleanse working. Today, is my third day and I feel elated and lighter: 4 ½ lbs lighter. My mood is good too and I am stronger. Not bad considering I did not eat a single thing for the past three days, just the Lemonade drink, some herbal tea and lots of water. I wore my tight jeans yesterday and they fit better.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Master Cleanse

Today, I began the Master Cleanse drinking lemon water laced with maple syrup. I gave this much thought over the past year wondering if it was right for me. Finally, I decided to try it. Not a hard cleanse to do but it does take planning on your end. I had to fit it in between holidays and found the perfect opportunity this week and ending on the day we leave for our last summer vacation. I found the same resolve in myself when I quit smoking years ago. It's a strange thing but I manage my day at the office pretty good and the timing went perfectly. So here's to the end of Day One.

The best morning ever


This morning I got off to a great start as I covered my son with his blanket, he whispered "you're the best, Mom." The love and appreciation is ten times better than coffee and a terrific way to start your Monday morning. On this fine Monday morning, I begin a master cleanse with lemon juice. I have ten days between trips and need it. My grandmother did her own version of a cleanse she termed "a physical" once a month. It served her well she lived until 94. Have a wonderful day.

DS Omen

Here I was scanning the home page of today's Wall Street Journal and came across the Hindenburg Omen, a stock market indicator by Jim Miekka, a blind mathematician, in Maine that predicts stock market crashes. This guy has predicted successfully most crashes since 1987. Ha. I needed to say that. I guess I am not the only one feeling a looming market crash.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Eat Pray Love

I cannot wait to see Eat Pray Love starring my favourite actress Julia Roberts. After reading the book, I realized if one could rise from the ashes of a nervous breakdown and write about it anything was possible for me and Elizabeth Gilbert. Around the time the book was released, I went through a rough patch in my life. I questioned the validity of everything and felt fucked up too. Although, I did not cross continents to solve my issues, I admired and revelled in her pureness in discussing her pain in print. I even questioned the integrity of her writing. Was she writing for an audience or did she really feel those words?
Because, some of her words resonated with me and I did not need to learn she was a charlatan. That would have blown my world in pieces. As I later learned, she wrote simply and quite witty a biography of her breakdown in life and marriage. Early this year I got to hear Ms. Gilbert speak in person at an Oprah event and she again came across as down to earth, non-presumptuous person plus she is an amazing story-teller.
Here comes: Dinner Movie Coffee

Great Times Ahead

The past couple of years bordered on hard times for many as the economy in the United States tinkers on the edge of a great recession. Actually, quite close to a depression similar to the 1920's and nobody including me wants to even think it let alone write about it. No one wants the responsibility of sending a firestorm of speculation. But as summer ends and the markets are down, I think our economy is correcting itself from the years of artificial growth and expanse to the point the DJ will rest around 9000 by the end of October and slowly maintain a healthy growth for the next two decades due to caution in the "over" extending in every area of our economy.

But this is only my observation as a very green amateur stock market analysis. And yes, lots of money will be lost to those who spent the past decade artificially inflating the market for the wrong reasons. The market at freewill conducts itself. When the forces strain, coerce or even inflate it purposely it will adjust appropriately. Don't get me wrong, as a student of business and free market, I am a leaner towards the stalwart investing of Mr. Buffet and will continue to be, it's the way to make money even in rough times.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Under My Umbrella

After incessantly asking me for an umbrella, I bought my youngest a new one just in time for a wicked storm. With the loud rumbles of thunder he woke and came downstairs to try it out in the rain. To no avail, he waited until the lightning stopped and when it did the rain ended. Poor guy.

Not to worry it's fore-casted to rain all day.

Brace Yourself

Brace yourself, the big guy is getting his gear on tomorrow. The horror of a liquid diet lurks in our house. But a beautiful smile and snore “less” nights ahead for my teenager.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Truth Shall Set You Free?

They say “the truth sets you free.” From what. that't what I want to know? We each have our own truths, individual as the DNA that divides us. But on what level does the truth set us free? In my writing, I explore other truths not my own.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bella Blueberry

I wanted to write something smart yet funny story about my hyper dog Bella and her experience at our cottage but it's not happening. My little one asked if I could post something about this, I'll give it a try.

Let's put it this way, Bella is a miniature poodle with too much time on her hands and up in the mountains she a cross between a rabbit and a deer hopping and jumping through the air but looks like a black bear cub.

Blueberry season is in full swing and I picked a bunch for pancakes. Of course, Bella wanted to eat them. Typical dog. Not so typical, she liked them. I cannot recall any other dog liking fruit.

I need a video of Bella attacking me and my bowl of blueberries and a self addressed envelope to America's Funniest Video contest. As a dog, she did learn quick to sit for a treat and when I ignored her requested she just began eating them right off the bush. Now that's creative, even for a crazed dog that just jumped on the couch my son's foot long sneaker.

Blueberry to you.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer School

My son is doing a blog for a summer school project. Yes, I admit my son is in summer school, he failed English by 2 points blowing his summer out of the water. When I spend too much time thinking about this and how his teacher could not bump him two points to pass, I lose it. On more than one occasion, I remind my boy that being the class pain gets you no extra points. Indeed, if he did not cause the teacher grief and actually a positive contributor to the class then my boy would now be in a canoe on a lake at camp. I would be $250 richer and life would be grand.

This week, in keeping with the age of the computing and social networking, his assignment is a blog. "Like your blog, Mom" happily disclosing. Oh yes, I remark "my blog logging daily reports of the washroom habits of both my sons." His head shot up "Really" chuckling. Yup. "I blog who urinated on the toilet seat, who craftily decorated the tiles with splash marks or who missed the bowl altogether and spattered the wall," quite seriously with a grin on the inside.

For more of a shock effect, I added in bedrooms and their cleanliness, just about then my attempt to shame him into submission and become the boy with the best bathroom etiquette is lost. I learn two things, SHAME never works and boys will be boys.

As for summer school, initially it devastated me my son failed a subject, I felt like a loser mom and blamed myself for his failure. I cried. Finally, I told my son that being the class clown in elementary school was cute and tolerated but welcome to high school. The teachers have no patients for idiotic behaviour and when it comes to grading the teacher will remember just that and not give you extra points for effort. In effect, you are casting an image as a pain and troubled kid and teachers talk. Welcome to high school, boy. Do I think my boy will change his ways and become a model student? Yes. No.

He is a comical guy who feeds off the reaction of his peers and enjoys the notoriety too much. This is the first time he truly felt the ill effects his prided skill so I think in two years he will get it. Summer school is a notch in his journey and I am sure there are a few more notches to be made before he gets a clear visual.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

39th Birthday

This past week I celebrated what my son so sweetly insists is my 39th birthday. He remembers I mentioned the women and age talk. He's so adorable. Yes, that's my son.

So for my 39th birthday and in the midst of a wicked heat wave, I threw a party for myself with Hot Husband's help of course. HH is the best BBQ man around. Three of the Does and their respective's along with all their children showed up.

The day was sizzling hot and not since we were in our twenties could you find four Does in the pool. We played Marco Polo with the kids. This put a smile on all the guests to see four sisters laughing and playing around. A true sign of relaxing, seeing all our lives are busy.

Of course, I had a cocktail to go with the event: Lime Margaritas Olé. After the woman and girls vacated the pool the husbands and boys entered. Now you know it's hot out when my little sister Lou swims along with my brother-in-laws.

It was the best birthday ever. Truly all my family celebrated and just got together. Next year for my 39th birthday I will throw another party too. Life is unpredictable so celebrate and love.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why Is It Always About The Sleaze

Maybe I am somewhat of a wallflower, a bit too conservative at times and let me throw this in for good measure: not so well endowed in the booby department. Yesterday, on Facebook my nieces posed in a picture with what I call the porn queen pucked lips.

This disconcerting turn of events in the past few years have young women fashioning looks of a prostitute. You see it everywhere, particularly, in the tabloids where popular culture seems to begin a trend. And young girls think this is what expected of them to feel attractive as this trashy fashion statement continues to exists. I don't think the same rules apply to them as they did for earlier generations.

But let me just say not all young women do this, I have another niece who is much more conservative in dress. I feel for every parent of a teenage girl or young adult. I only have sons who still let me choose their clothes!

Now I know what my parents went through when I was a teenager. My dad brought me home from my summer job one day after showing up with a spaghetti strap shirt, mind you I worked in his field office on a construction site. In the same way it horrified him to hear catcalls from his crew, I am horrified with todays fashion trend.

I guess one way to avoid this disturbing trend is to not look at tabloids as I wait in the check out line. And avoid Facebook, lol.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I wish BUSY, BUSY, BUSY meant my phone line.

But as June comes to an end so comes one of the busiest months of the year and I am sure for many people.

The month began with coming home early from work and studying with both my boys as the final exams picked up, along with a very busy lacrosse schedule with games and practices almost every night and Hot Husband practicing with two bands keeping away three nights a week. All this not including getting to work.

The next week, my teenager who is completing his first year of high school and writing his exams threw a monkey wrench into my plans by driving and picking him up with his erratic schedule.

The next week, began on a sad note and equally as busy, as my youngest's project was on display for an open house and work was just plain crazy, working longer hours to assist my boss. By the end of the week I had a school BBQ and lacrosse game at the same time equally important and a must to attend and then Hot Husband played with his new band requiring my attention and presence, too. I did mention during this crazy week, my hours got longer at work and I had a teenager who refused a sitter because he's in high school by my side. Two of my Doe sisters celebrated their birthday on the same day and I had lunch with one and two presents.

By the weekend, I was downright wiped out but the fun only began, I had a party and lacrosse practice consecutively, Hot Husband chauffeured the little one to his playoffs and to our city's Fun Day. But another sad note with tragedy falling on a close relative which pretty much set my mood for the weekend. Around noon I called and cancelled out of the BBQ and slept for an hour. Then we had company come early and leave late. The next day we were up at camp for parents day which just so happens to fall on Hot Husband's birthday and Father's Day.

My Monday of the following week summed up was intense, sad, very sad and mournful, exciting, and downright busy. I was away from the office three days in a row. But as this month comes to a close, I am fortunate to have a very supportive husband and equally supportive family. I also celebrate the birth on my son who wishes he was a teenager too with my family and friends.

Even though June is crazy and sometimes unbearable I cherish all the moments, even the quiet ones. Have a great day.

Things gone bad

This morning the Wall Street Journal has an article on 8 Blunders Job Hunters make like showing up for an interview with your kids or taking calls. I figure karma is telling you something when you have no choice to bring your children along for an interview. I laughed not at the others ill-gotten faith but at my own blunders. I am a real woman, I can laugh at my own foibles.

I remember acing an interview, getting the job and showing up on time, really on time. A day early to be exact, on a Monday. Reasonable to assume most jobs begin fresh on a Monday! Not this time, the bank I worked started new employees only on Tuesdays because Monday turns out to be too hectic. So much for acing the interview, obviously my mind did not register that.

But interviews are nerve racking and intense at the best of times. I just completed interviews last week for a scholarship board I chair. The candidates all had sweaty palms and nervous faces. But after relaxing somewhat they all pulled through and stepped up to the plate.

The worst interview is from someone not qualified for the job. Like the guy who chose his current girlfriend as his role model. While most people choose a mentor or parents, this idiot chose his main squeeze. Go figure young and not yet matured. All said, interviews unnerve the even the best. Unless you're up for parole, no one likes to be grilled and observed for an hour or so.

Good luck to your next interview.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

So When Did I Become My Mother

This morning I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and noted my sagging breasts. If you think small breasts don`t sag give me a call. In the instant my brain registered this I thought of my mother, who by the way, left out her breast gene while conceiving me. It was then I asked ''when did I become my mother?''

It`s not such a bad thing to be my mom. My memories of her vibrancy and life cutoff 23 years ago when she passed at the age of 53. Yet, I recall her body frame, go figure. Now a mother and wife, I see some similarities with my mom like our love of clothes. Just the other week, one of the Doe`s confessed I reminded her of Mommy with my sense of style. But it was the glimpse of her I seen in the mirror.

So becoming my mom is all that bad, as long as I don`t pin curl my hair. Good Day.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Nun who said FUCK

Last night was Book Club night with a small group of women. The book of discussion is The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman, a noted columnist from the New York Times. Interestingly, the conversations took many winding roads like a drive through the hillside vineyards in the Alps.

With only a few in the group reading the book, we enjoy the company and the conversation ranging from globalization to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But most interestingly and quite funny was the former nun who said fuck. No one gasped, quite the opposite, the lady on my left said "You just said FUCK, you're a former nun." The former nun brushed off the comment and continued her tirade on the greedy ass phone companies.

Never a dull moment with these women. I look forward to the next one.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sex In The City 2

I am a fan of Sex In The City of late. I picked up on the series in the 3rd to last episode and fell in love with the girls . At times, like most fans, I identified with Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte. And last evening seeing SITC 2, I am still a fan.

So my first movie review goes: grab a couple of girlfriend, leave your man at home, make a night of it with dinner and cocktails. Sex In The City 2 is not a cinematic movie meant to evoke deep meaning in the Plains of Arabia but to evoke many outbursts of laughs as Carrie and the gang show us their lives. Just like you and me they have hang ups, at times are unsure of themselves and have crazy busy lives.

And the clothes, shoes and accessories make even plain Jane's grovel with envy. Just these alone make the movie interesting.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Masons & Me Part ll

Curiosity is a cool thing. I wonder if the Freemasons ever allowed women to join their secret society? And is it really true George Bush and John Kerry are Freemasons?

Food for thought. Food for thought.

The Masons & Me

Yesterday I woke from a startling dream about the Masons. Before I get to the dream let it be known since reading the Di Vinci Code by Dan Brown years ago, my fascination with them is heightened.

On a trip the year before my dad passed away we drove to Detroit for a family wedding. To keep the to conversation going thus making the drive seem shorter, I engaged my dad in highlights from the book. My neurotic enthusiasm probably just about drove him over the edge. He finally confessed his brother was a Mason to my utter astonishment. By then, he opened a can of worms and must have regretted ever telling the daughter who never stops talking.

Fast forward to yesterday morning at 6am when I woke from this weird dream. Basically the dream entailed returning a scared book to the Masons in New York City. The sequence of events included some of my Does and my two sons.

Upon entering the Masonic Temple in Times Square, we were guided up a beautiful cream marble staircase in a place that looked similar to Ripley's Believe It or Not store with all the trappings of Mason handiwork.

Basically I was chosen to become a Mason. In my dream I remember saying No! No! Make my sister a member not me, shoving the book in her hands, thinking all I needed was another club to added to my already busy schedule. In a desperate plea to avoid membership, I protested that women were not allowed to be in the Masons to no avail. Some dream.

Later that day, I retold the dream to a Doe and we got a chuckle out of it without a doubt that dream definitely will not come true. Good night and sweet dreams.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Weekend begins

The boys are home today so I stayed in bed longer that usual to avoid making HH java. I need my rest, lol. Now he's off and I have a quiet house until the boys wake to be fed and play.

Yesterday, I sat in my car getting some papers ready and thinking about a c.v. I sent out early in the week and coincidently bumped two guys who work in the office in the matter of five minutes of each other. Weird.

I watched the last episode of Grey's Anatomy last night. It was good but Meredith's character bugs me at times, especially when she jeopardized her pregnancy to be with Derek. I admit to being a Grey's fan. I also caught The Good Wife too. Great show.

Today, it's haircuts for the boys and justing hanging around home. Tomorrow, HH and I attend an engagement party.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Hot husband plucked down the big bucks this year and bought me a new laptop. What a great surprise. My immediate reaction had to be: what did he do? Then how sweet. For a couple of months he mentioned how he owed me a very nice anniversary present. It took me off guard since I needed not remind him about the date.

So here I am logging a post to my blog on my new and very exquisite laptop thanks to Hot Husband. I am a very lucky wife.

So here's to one happy anniversary woman. Cheers.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Oprah Live

This past weekend I had the pleasure of being in Oprah's company. She was amazing, with an ignamic personality she draws you in. Like the rest of mostly women we were captivated by her presence. I spent the weekend in NYC with one of the Doe Sisters to attend Live Your Best Life series celebrating the 10th anniversary of O magazine.

Oprah open up the weekend festivities with a very short introduction and gave the floor to Elizabeth Gilbert of Eat Pray Love, who by the way is terrific. Later that evening Oprah spent almost two hours telling us about her life and how she became the biggest name in show biz. From her roots in the south to her arrival on T.V. in the early 80's.

In the mix, I got to see Dr. Oz live and in person. What a handsome and sexy doc! Also, Martha Beck, an O columnist who equally captivated her audience.

But that was only the beginning, lets just say Oprah treats people exceptionally nice. I came home with a beautiful purse and an inspiration book of quotes and other countless items. If you have have the opportunity to see Oprah take it.

What did I leave NYC aside for the cute pink purse I bought but best of all I came home with very insightful messages on living your best life. Enjoy.

Toxic Friends

Recently I came across an article about toxic friendships. To be honest I did not really read it in entirety, wishing now to read it. Today, I experienced what one could label a toxic friendship and just realized it's been like this forever.

In short form, I noticed yesterday my friend lets call her DoePhin sneakingly went behind my back. For what reason? What was she to gain? One upping her friend. In a perplexing daze, I set up harmless trap to see where Doephin would take it. This morning to my less than surprised self, I got it, finally. Like a child flustering for attention, she tattled on me.

Actually, her behavior never wavered, I am the one who chose not to dwell on her less than ideal qualities. Is this a toxic relationship? The anger and disbelief is directed at me, kicking myself in the soul.

So what is a Doe to do in a situation like this. Well, I thought for a while about revenge but remember some saying that its similar if not the same as to agression, yadayada. I vow to stay clear of her and let the friendship fade out over time. Like my resolve at turning forty, I am keeping the positives and dropping the negatives.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Colds and Nightmares

This weekend a head cold decided to visit me for the weekend. It dropped by on Friday afternoon without any warning, it's usually modus operanti. Friday left my boys in a quandary and wondering what to do for the evening with mom in bed. Off they went to the movies. Hot Husband despite missing a day at the office went to his Rock Band practice. That night brought a restless sleep and my body up around 7am.

In the shower in an attempt to wash away the germs that plagued me to no avail and out the door by 8:45 to sign the little one up for summer camp. Back home two hours later to pick up my older one and try and make a food grab at the local Costco and get lunch. Not nutritious but food in their bellies. The worst is having two hungry boys, no energy to prepare lunch and no food in the pantry. Then back home to bed. That night the cold began to subside replaced by a dry cough. I actually made dinner to my boys delight.

That night I figure would be much easier to sleep. Hah. I had two of the worst nightmares in a long time that left me perplexed and frightened. Even a day later, the dreams are vivid. Yuck. I attribute this to my cold which is nothing but an occasional cough.

Ca la vie. Have a great day. Three days to Oprah!! Hooray.

Friday, April 30, 2010

One Week To Oprah

One week to a weekend with Oprah celebrating the 10th anniversary of her magazine O, The Oprah Magazine. I am getting so excited.

I plan on leaving Thursday after work to catch my flight. One of the Doe Sisters decided to join me late in the game and she's equally excited.

Oprah here I come!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Word of the Day

I love words. I love leaning new words. I love opening a musty old dictionary to any page and let my eyes scroll over the columns, from right to left, my specialty. Two years ago, I came upon the word "Pollyanna" and fell in love with it, probably how it rolled over my lips, not necessarily what it meant. Well, kinda what it meant but more how it sounded.

Today, my word of the day is strife, yesterday it was kerfuffle. Kerfuffle is a cute and polite way I think of saying there is some kind of row or disagreement going on. Strife follows in the same line or definition as kerfuffle. Go figure today is a full moon and all the tension leading up to this showing of the moon should put to rest the explosive energy lurking around.

Tomorrow's word of the day will to me and it will be on a lighter and more entertaining note.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


What are the chances I will have lunch with Warren Buffet, Oprah, Sitting Bull (impossible he's dead) and Elizabeth Gilbert?

Slim, 50/50 or absolutely possible.

I vote for absolutely possible. You see, we will all converge in one city in a couple of weeks. Except Sitting Bull who passed in 1890. Everything is possible that's what makes life interesting.

No Spokesperson Here

Since posting the Top Three Cults in the U.S. last week, the feedback is mostly positive and helpful with one angry comment. I am no spokesperson for Anti Cults, just a blogger who writes about daily things that impact my life.

Cults are real and very much part of the terrain in some peoples life. I wish everybody the best and hope that their lives are full of love. What I cannot do is take the cult out of people. They are the only ones who can do that. Some don't even believe they are in a cult, so there!

But I can blog what's on my mind.

The Impact of Cults

I am no expert on cults but I do have first hand experience on the ill effects of them. One of my Doe Sisters is a mother to four children brought up in a cult. I am proud of her for the resiliency in her spirit.

She mothers from a distant to now all adult children raised in a cult. Each day she makes her way through the grit and grime of the debris of the cult. Some day her children reach out to her and allow her to be a good mom. Other days they admonish her and her non-cult ways.

But she preserves and triumphs like no other human being I met. She loves her children like all moms do, unconditionally.

So, Cults. Ugh. What else I can say. Maybe do not answer the door when they come a knocking. Have a terrific day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Top Three Cults in the U.S.

Top Three Cults in U.S.

  1. Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints - Mormonism
  2. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society - Jehovah's Witness
  3. Church of Scientology

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Restlessness is really avoidance

I lay down 10 times today beginning at 7:00 am this morning thinking a short siesta would cure this internal restlessness camouflaged as fatigue. Really it's avoidance, of what? That I am still trying to figure out.

But I am avoiding something. It took me a good ten minutes to log onto my blog and every possible distraction to get to this point. Writing is one of my releases, as well as, my vice in life. I may not be a Hemingway or an Austen but I am who I am. A writer. An introvert who gets out in the world through a small key hole slot of my imagination or opinion. Did I mention about another bad habit of procrastination that I love dearly too. Actually restlessness and procrastination go hand in hand in my book.

Anyway, I am here releasing some of my bad habits. I am afraid of failing so I don't try or don't follow through in many areas of my life. This drives hot husband crazy. At times me too. But I am like most women in the early 40's realizing things about myself.

With my restlessness comes the forms of distractions like throwing an impromptu dinner party and puttering about. Thank God it's the weekend and I am not going to be late for work. enjoy your day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Monday

Mondays are fabulous only if you embrace them. My Monday is off to a great start and I love it. It began with my boss giving me the day off, then rambling some stuff about gratitude on Facebook and now just relaxing after a bath.

What to do on a day off? Errands, a pedicure for sure and some shopping. Definitely, wash the care and get some spring air in my house.

I am blessed with good fortune you think? Everybody have a wonderful day.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Cults prey on the weak and emotionally distraught, particularly women. Most cults in some way cut off your connection to family, friends and community. In all cases, they do some form of brainwashing on the subject. If you Google cults in America you get 1.3 million direct hits. I have done this before.

But what hurts the most is the pain left on a parent(s). I witnessed that yesterday at a baby shower my Doe hosted for her daughter. Lets call her Bambi. Bambi always lead a strange life. She reminds her mom every chance she gets how she abandoned her and her siblings after the divorce. Not quite the case. But lets go with it. You see she was brought up in a cult. The one that does not celebrate holidays like Christmas and goes door to door selling a magazine for the towering price of 25 cents.

It's been a hard road for my sister but a well worth road. She is now 16 or 17 years sober and proud of it. She is now remarried and works. She is independent and smart as a whip. She came out of it a in one piece. I continuously remind her of my admiration of her courage and perseverance. Her eldest daughter remained in the cult.

Initially, I could not blame the kid, that's all she knew. She was kept from her mom after the divorce and indoctrinated into a cult that flourishes in shunning out family. Today, she's married with twins on the way, a young mother and educated. But her "cultness" comes to the surface at all the wrong times, like her baby shower. It was the innocence I remember in her that prevented me from blaming her for bad behavior in the past but not now. She is out right rude and disrespectful of her non-cult family. And in some way takes pride in it.

But the pain it causes my sister is not so nice. What is one to do? My Doe Sister is grateful to be part of her life and now her grandchildren's life. It's just hard to watch someone you love get shit on by their own child. Ce la vie, life in a cult.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Does

I once Facebooked fudge is like family. Lot of sweet people with a few nuts. And in most cases it's true. There is not one family I know that has it all together including mine. I have five Doe Sisters and we are scattered across the Northeast but it's like we live on the same street.

Some days we are as close as sisters can be and other days when we are mortal enemies but in the end we love each other and are there for one another through good times and bad times. One of the Does is going through a particularly rough time of it, recently suffering a break up. Actually, she's been suffering the troughs of love for a long time. If I blinked and opened my eyes 20 years in the past, she would be at the same point in life. Love gone sour.

As her Doe Sister, I just want to hug her and tell her everything is going to be okay but it's not like that. This Doe does not do hugs well or advice or anything. She is head strong and will do what she will do. Not to anyone's delight and I am guessing including her own.

Sisterly love. Always. Forever.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Book Club Variety

I had the pleasure of being in the company of a diverse group of women, as diverse as the colors of the Benetton store last evening. The most interesting, an ex-nun who just past her fortieth anniversary of leaving the convent. I met two pairs of mother and daughter members and a vast array of artists.

I just happen to be the baby of the group with the love of reading tying us together in the comforts of the hosts' home for a book club. I sat in the back, as I am new to the group and spoke only when asked a question. I marveled at the depth and sometimes lack deeper meaning in their discussion on passages from the "book Women Who Run With The Wolves" by Clarissa Estés. On woman groaned "Not that book again, I just don't like it!"

At times, the conversation moved to personal issues, like the ex-nun who texted to herself and the widow who marveled at her two daughters constant use of their laptops and Facebook. All very delightful and entertaining for my first ever book club. Hooray, I am invited back with a new read by Thomas Friedman, a columnist for the New York Times and author of "The World is Flat."

Happy reading!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Lumps in the Pudding II ©

Lumps in the Pudding turned out to be cysts in my breast which disappeared when I got my period. Viola. My doctor also confirmed the cysts were harmless and possibly reoccurring. So, to make my argument something good always comes of something bad, I use this experience.

I spent the last year crying and stressing that I had breast cancer. Many nights were spent lying awake wondering if my eight year would remember me when he grew up. Or, I would miss my older son’s graduation and I would not get to see what my children grow up. I wondered if my husband would remarry and should I put in my will not until the little one was older. And would my husband marry someone much younger and would she a great step-mother or a step-mommy from hell. I drummed up lists of things to cover in my will and wondered if any of my wishes would be carried out. Yes, I had all the morbid thoughts, except maybe planning my funeral. I just could not get my mind around that one.

In the last year, I learned all of my fears and things I would change in my life if I given the chance. Yes, I was terrified these lumps would kill me. In the Year of Fear, I read and read on how to make my brain stronger and as I sought out things to learn on making my brain work optimally and possibly change the course of my health, I stumbled across two particular authors: Daniel Amen on PBS and Ellen Langer’s book Mindfulness that really put things into perspective. Mindfulness by Harvard professor Mrs. Langer reinforced what I struggled to believe in that our brain is really in charge. It’s a must read for anyone facing health issues.

I viewed my results as a new lease on life. I cut my hair short again and starting exercising more regularly. I see things in a clearer manner. And yes, your brain is the most powerful thing in your life, use it well. Have a great, I know I am.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The New Hank

On Saturday, we welcomed a new member to our family named Hank. A beautiful and precious baby boy lighted up the faces of my family as we visited him at the hospital. It's a miracle of life how a tiny little boy can bring joy to our lives.

Congrats to Brett and Sarah and new Grandma Cece.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rage = House cleaning

Yesterday, rage slowly crept up behind me, then before you knew it Hot Husband was in the doghouse. But I became aware of it later on in the evening. This morning still lingering around my home, I turned it into something positive, house cleaning. Yes, my least favorite chore, now my living room resembles a living room not a locker room. As four letter words slipped from my lips, I decided instead of raging over the accumulation of things I put them away. Viola, a clean house. Thank you rage for visiting boy you were needed, come again and I will put you to good use.

Have a good day because I will. Date night.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lumps in the Pudding ©

Lumps in the Pudding© . Does it not remind you of lumps in mashed potatoes or in gravy. Not the most enduring thing to compare the lump I found in my breast the other week but that's what comes to mind.

Am I scared? Just a little bit. Hot husband held me tight and said just what I needed to hear at that moment, pretty much erasing all fears. I am more amazed at how it ached during and after the mammogram. The exam pissed me off because, it's such an evasive test. Imagine a man's penis got squeezed that hard, really. Rethink, rethink. A penis-o-gram invention would happen overnight.

So lumps in the pudding. I am not foreseeing anything but the present moment. Have a great day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Clean Bill of Health

Yesterday, hot husband and I received a clean bill of health for our older son from his physician. I must commend the local Children's Hospital with their expertise and care in what seems like forever, but is actually seven months of tests.

He did so many tests and obscure procedures, sometimes two to three a week, and came out a champ. There were times I sat outside the testing rooms crying and praying for him and then collect myself before he came out. I tried not to show my worry and angst. All the staff took excellent care of my son during this seven month trek. They examined every possibility to find that my son is okay. I am extremely grateful to them. I am proud of my son who endured all the tests and exams with such panache that it held me together. In addition, he just started high school and missed many days but with it all behind us he is still the great kid and an even better student.

Blessings come in all different packages and mine came in a phone call. Here, Here, to clean bills of health.
Shows to love this season are:

The Good Wife: A new drama, I love watching Mr. Big, he's really good at playing a jerk.
Desperate Housewives: Those women on Wisteria Lane are still nutty as ever, always a good laugh
Big Love: I marvel at the idea of a man with three wives.
Grey's Anatomy: One of my all times favorites is falling off my radar, less interesting than before but still a good watch, actually, it's on tonight.

One day to my mammogram

Ugh, tomorrow I get my mammogram for the second time since turning 40. I dread the feeling of my breast being smashed to take a picture.


According to Punxsutawney Phil winter is here for six more weeks. Ugh. To counter this news, I am sticking with the Long Island ground hog, Chuck, who didn't see his shadow and will welcome spring earlier.

I am 44 years old and feel like I can decide who to believe on this, naturally I chose Chuck the groundhog from L.I. So Chuck it is.

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Dad's birthday

Today, is my late dad's birthday, ringing in the big 82 if he were alive. We would definitely celebrate his birthday with dinner and loads of birthday wishes. His last birthday together my sister and I took him to the casino and he loved it. My feeling is he liked the casino a little bit more than he let on. Actually, I suspected he ventured weekly because he knew his way around the place quite familiarly.

His favorite saying when the winning wasn't happening "I have a better chance of being struck by lightning" or "no luck here." On the other hand, he brought me luck, the few times we went together I won. My dad it turns out brought the luck to me.

So today, no matter where he is I am thinking about him and wishing him a happy birthday my lucky dad.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Year of the Cheater

I had a moratorium on discussing high profile infidelities. I figure my input was not needed, and I can be certain it's still not but I notice a theme here. It really seems like it's been the year of "Cheater, Cheater Pumpkin Eaters". Let's see, we had the Eliot Spritzer debacle, "Don't cry for me" Argentina Mark Stanford, Tiger's Beat and the Billionaire Billboard guy from Oracle. Worst of worst is John Edwards. Who in their right mind has an affair and gets caught when your wife has cancer. That's just inhumane. But worse is that his top aide wrote a tell all book about this.

My thoughts immediately go to the wife and children and how they have to cope with the onslaught of publicity for something they have not part of.

I once read an article about the difference between men and women when a spouse is ill. The article stated on average women were more likely stay by the bedside nursing their husbands back to health. Whereas, men were more inclined to run, not that many do, but when sickness strikes men it seems are far more likely to be unable to cope with the stress of it all. Almost like the fight or flight syndrome. When I heard this it made sense about women sticking by their men when infidelity struck. Yuck. There may be truth to this because when a women cheats, it's not often you hear of the man sticking in the relationship.

Nevertheless, it just appears these louts are getting busted far more often then, may I say, they thought they would? Maybe I can rephrase it as "The Year of the Lout." There's my five cents on the issue.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The week that flew by

As I wrapped up the week at work, it dawned on me how quickly it went by. Usually, January is the slowest month of the year with frigid days and nights drag on with snail pace and keep us inside bundled up. But this week flew by.

I remember first year in our new neighborhood, going into our house in December and literally not seeing any of our neighbors until the following spring. Winter hibernation. Even as a child, January's tended to drag on forever.

Now, January is half way through, the snow is melting, the temperatures are enjoyable and the days are getting noticeably longer. Great weather for skiing I must admit. Enjoy your day.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's always something

Many many years ago, before debits cards were so widely available, I encountered a little problem with mine while paying at the salon. The older lady with awful copper red dyed hair, a fixture in the salon and predated my arrival, said to me in her broken thick French accent '' it's always something with you''.

Of course, on the outside I laughed it off but on the inside my delicate being felt trashed. Now, I can laughed it off because she was right, it was always something with me. The reason I bring it up is because I read this exact quote "it's always something" last week and chuckled. I can still vividly see the madame's flaming red hair glowing behind the salon counter, her long lanky black sleeved arms and her powder white skin serving patrons.

In truth, life is always something and that's what I think makes us human. If life were a series of repeat scenes, what would be the use? Deep. Maybe. But truthful yes. It's really like Forest Gump's famous saying " Life is like a box of chocolates."

Enjoy your day and I hope it's always something.....interesting.