Wednesday, August 31, 2011


  1. Waiting in line, I have very little patience
  2. Prime and proper people in public but rude arrogant in private
  3. Being put on hold
  4. PMS because by time I notice it arrived, it's too late to warn the village
  5. Tardy physicians
  6. People who burp in public
  7. Load boisterous peeps
  8. Price tags that don't come off easily
  9. Smokers
  10. Drunk people who repeat themselves all night
  11. Compact cars
  12. Nosy people

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 Things I learned about looking for a job................

After spending the summer sending out  countless resumes, I am finally realizing two things about the hunt for a job. One, answering job postings for the unemployed is like what blind items are to a gawker: they are too numerous to count and it's a hit or miss (mostly miss). Secondly, looking for a job takes skill but more importantly, contacts.

Most of my jobs in my life came through referral but this time I didn't feel it was necessary to let all my contacts know that I was yet again looking for a job. I think I may have topped the record of having three jobs in ten years each time leaving me unemployed in between.

Nevertheless, as I began looking for a job closer to home, my previous tenures commuted me 1 ½ hours a day in my car. I didn't call on any of my good ole reliable ones this time. I sent out resumes for job listings, sometimes three a day. I got three email replies, two interviews and three rejection letters. One Google search on a prospective employer turned up a weird cult under investigation and odd signage about saying Jesus Christ in the workforce, creepy.

If anything, my summer job trek proved to be entertaining in the least. So, late last month, I succumbed to calling up some of my ole contacts and put the word out I was looking for a job, again. In the past couple of days, those awkward calls are turning into fruitful delights.

Yesterday, an old colleague called and asked me to come work at her place. Her place turns out to be a great paying opportunity. Another colleague recommended me for a position, although, I didn't get it, I am on her radar. And another friend calls routinely as she has dibbed on an internal job bank at her place of business.

Today, I go for another interview with a perspective employer who offers contracts. So peeps, with resume in hand, I walk the road to employment and real soon I will be in another fabulous job.





Last Day of Summer Vacation

Today comes with mixed emotions as it is the last day of summer vacation in my home. Like all moms back to school is a big event whether our children love school or dread it.

In my case, the boys are split down the middle when it comes to starting school this week. My older one is eager to go back to connect with all his friends, whereas my little is dreading the first day of school tomorrow.

As for me, I am happy with regret. I love my boys and was fortunate to spend the summer with them but now I need some quiet time. I need a morning at home just to sit and relax. Have a conversation on the phone without getting interrupted or eavesdropped on. Go through a day without putting on my referee shirt. Or making three meals a day, I have boys; they eat me out of house and home.

I am sad too that another is upon us and they are growing so fast. I get a lump in my throat and all choked up thinking what's on the horizon too. I am going to enjoy the last day of summer vacation with them boys when they wake up. Lol.


Whirlwind of a Week

The past week was crazy in my neck of the woods. There was 1 Hurricane, 2 earthquakes, 1 foreclosure in the hood, 1 new job, 1 lost job and emotions all over the place.

As Irene blustered through the Northeast, we forgot about the earthquakes earlier in the week and focussed on the storms wind and rain that for many left a heap of mess behind. Irene overshadowed the loss suffered by a friend who lost her house during this week too. Very sad, I feel for her and her teenage son.

To keep the week churning, my hubby started a new job on Monday and was let go on Thursday evening from a very odd company. But Irene took my mind off all of it as the winds picked up and the rain started pouring and for the next 12 hours I enjoyed the candle lit evening playing cards, talking and laughing with my boys. It's a sure sign the week ahead it going to be great. Enjoy

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today began with an odd sort of feeling. I thought for a moment that my Word of Day would be foreboding. It was something that was in my thoughts from the moment I woke up. But I read the definition to be sure that I knew it meant the feeling something bad is going to occur. I choose not to even put a word today, why start a perfectly good day on a bad note.

Give or take 30 minutes, the foreboding my gut was screaming finally came to fruition as I watched two men dressed in black knock on my neighbour's door and a van pulled up in front of my house. Then a young guy jumped out of the van holding duct tape ran up the path to my neighbour's house. What the heck was going on? I was about to call 911 when I noted a city employee pull up too. As it turns out my neighbour foreclosed on her place.

The rest of the day was spent is sadness for my neighbour. Did you know you cannot take belongings for your neighbour? I asked along with another neighbour if we could store some of her belongings. We were met with a big "No." Sad, sad day in the neighbourhood.

It's the first time I witnessed such an event, I felt deep sorrow for my friend and her teenage son and I was completely helpless in the situation. Thus the foreboding feeling. With all the events unfolding, I heard about the earthquake here on the east coast. I didn't feel it neither did my sons. It puts things into perspective for me today; it showed me how much I had to be grateful for and how fortunate I am.

My husband came home at lunch and I gave him a huge hug and kiss. I am so lucky. Tonight, pray for all the people who have it hard, pray for their wellbeing.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pros and Cons of Science Camp

I am in the last days of Science camp with my little one.  He is a creature of habit despite loving camp he just wants to go home.   On the other hand, I am enjoying the week away and dreading the end to a wonderful trip.

Back to normal on Monday.  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Layoffs = Lottery Win

Now here's a story that breathes hope and life into the dismal state of being unemployed. A group of employees in an Ontario company won the lotto the same day they received layoff notices. That's just sweet. 


Thursday, August 11, 2011


I read today a U.S. Energy department panel is recommending tighter regulations for natural gas drilling commonly termed "fracking." From what I understand the shale drilling disrupts underground water reservoirs often leading to contamination of ground water in areas surrounding these drilling sites. In many cases, the contamination affects entire water distribution systems in the area prohibiting water usage.

Despite the environmental concerns, who do you think will win on the environment front? It just makes me wonder if the regulations will make it to the legislative state. It seems in our day and age big business seems to prevail despite all critical oversight departments and bodies in government.

Why such a dismal view on promising recommendations? It appears that big business find ways through lobbyists and government officials to rule in their favour. This is ever so present in Wisconsin, were the rights of the people are pushed to the side for the power of big business.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Times a changin’

Whoever wrote growing up is hard to do forgot to ask what parents thought of it? Today, my 10 year old remarked "the day is coming sooner than you think when someone is going to stop licking the bowl of a cake batter!"

I asked who he was referring to? He answered him. "Me, mom. I am growing up Mom!" I could only think "wow" I am so not ready for this.

He added that he was moving out but first he would buy a lotto ticket five times and win. I asked "where you going to go?" He replied "I am getting my own place, I am leaving to college!" Then he ran off.

Geez, life goes a little fast sometimes and what's with my boy, he's thinking like an adult. Summer boredom is beginning to kick in. Only three more weeks of summer vacation left.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bears! Bears! Bears!

Bears are everywhere!  From the markets to my cottage.  We are in Bear Season.  Be cautious.  Be optimistic.

We spent the past weekend at our cottage with some guests, all warm blooded. It was a perfect getaway with the streams warm enough to swim and the evenings warm too. In our family tradition, we made a bonfire and roasted marshmallows and hot-dogs while sitting around the campfire. The alluring smell of the hot-dogs and an early BBQ brought out the big wigs of nature. Although I am not 100% certain, I can say we attracted a bear to our campfire.

We didn't see the bear but we heard him grunt, a very deep and distinct grunt,that sent my sister and I scurrying into the cottage for the evening. That's the closest I ever came to a bear. In recent years, they made their way down the mountains to more populated areas for food. Last year, with the berry season wiped out from torrential rains, the bears came into the small villages and tormented the locals, crashing through doors and attacking garbage cans looking for food. I seen bear cubs for the first time at the local dump combing through the trash eating my spaghetti from the day before.

It would have pleased my dad to know this year's bumper crop of wild blueberries and stirred his curiosity that bears were coming in close range to his cottage.  Always a hunter, my dad would have reveled in this fact with the local men over coffee.  Should I run into any of his old cronies I am sure to mention this.  

We are safe and didn't hear any more bear noises that evening but I now know what a bear sounds like.

Not Everything is “Dow”n

Today is a busy day. Moments ago the DOW Jones Industrial tumbled 349 points, it comes to no surprise (really it should not) that the world is reacting to the volatile and precarious situation of the U.S. economy. And today, I learn a new economic term "liquidity trap" where people put their money into savings accounts rather than buy bonds in anticipation of an interest rate increase at the bank.

If anything, we live in interesting times and being a Monday nothing is out of the ordinary. Here's to the beginning of a tumultuously good week, if you look at the glass half full.

Monday, August 1, 2011

US avoids default

    It's comforting to know the US is not defaulting this morning.  As the world crossed their fingers hoping the US could come to some agreement on their debt, they did in the 11th hour.  There is no telling the ramifications the default would have but all indicators were pointing to disaster.  
    So thanks to the people who made it possible and for making the remainder of our summer less worrisome.