Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why Is It Always About The Sleaze

Maybe I am somewhat of a wallflower, a bit too conservative at times and let me throw this in for good measure: not so well endowed in the booby department. Yesterday, on Facebook my nieces posed in a picture with what I call the porn queen pucked lips.

This disconcerting turn of events in the past few years have young women fashioning looks of a prostitute. You see it everywhere, particularly, in the tabloids where popular culture seems to begin a trend. And young girls think this is what expected of them to feel attractive as this trashy fashion statement continues to exists. I don't think the same rules apply to them as they did for earlier generations.

But let me just say not all young women do this, I have another niece who is much more conservative in dress. I feel for every parent of a teenage girl or young adult. I only have sons who still let me choose their clothes!

Now I know what my parents went through when I was a teenager. My dad brought me home from my summer job one day after showing up with a spaghetti strap shirt, mind you I worked in his field office on a construction site. In the same way it horrified him to hear catcalls from his crew, I am horrified with todays fashion trend.

I guess one way to avoid this disturbing trend is to not look at tabloids as I wait in the check out line. And avoid Facebook, lol.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I wish BUSY, BUSY, BUSY meant my phone line.

But as June comes to an end so comes one of the busiest months of the year and I am sure for many people.

The month began with coming home early from work and studying with both my boys as the final exams picked up, along with a very busy lacrosse schedule with games and practices almost every night and Hot Husband practicing with two bands keeping away three nights a week. All this not including getting to work.

The next week, my teenager who is completing his first year of high school and writing his exams threw a monkey wrench into my plans by driving and picking him up with his erratic schedule.

The next week, began on a sad note and equally as busy, as my youngest's project was on display for an open house and work was just plain crazy, working longer hours to assist my boss. By the end of the week I had a school BBQ and lacrosse game at the same time equally important and a must to attend and then Hot Husband played with his new band requiring my attention and presence, too. I did mention during this crazy week, my hours got longer at work and I had a teenager who refused a sitter because he's in high school by my side. Two of my Doe sisters celebrated their birthday on the same day and I had lunch with one and two presents.

By the weekend, I was downright wiped out but the fun only began, I had a party and lacrosse practice consecutively, Hot Husband chauffeured the little one to his playoffs and to our city's Fun Day. But another sad note with tragedy falling on a close relative which pretty much set my mood for the weekend. Around noon I called and cancelled out of the BBQ and slept for an hour. Then we had company come early and leave late. The next day we were up at camp for parents day which just so happens to fall on Hot Husband's birthday and Father's Day.

My Monday of the following week summed up was intense, sad, very sad and mournful, exciting, and downright busy. I was away from the office three days in a row. But as this month comes to a close, I am fortunate to have a very supportive husband and equally supportive family. I also celebrate the birth on my son who wishes he was a teenager too with my family and friends.

Even though June is crazy and sometimes unbearable I cherish all the moments, even the quiet ones. Have a great day.

Things gone bad

This morning the Wall Street Journal has an article on 8 Blunders Job Hunters make like showing up for an interview with your kids or taking calls. I figure karma is telling you something when you have no choice to bring your children along for an interview. I laughed not at the others ill-gotten faith but at my own blunders. I am a real woman, I can laugh at my own foibles.

I remember acing an interview, getting the job and showing up on time, really on time. A day early to be exact, on a Monday. Reasonable to assume most jobs begin fresh on a Monday! Not this time, the bank I worked started new employees only on Tuesdays because Monday turns out to be too hectic. So much for acing the interview, obviously my mind did not register that.

But interviews are nerve racking and intense at the best of times. I just completed interviews last week for a scholarship board I chair. The candidates all had sweaty palms and nervous faces. But after relaxing somewhat they all pulled through and stepped up to the plate.

The worst interview is from someone not qualified for the job. Like the guy who chose his current girlfriend as his role model. While most people choose a mentor or parents, this idiot chose his main squeeze. Go figure young and not yet matured. All said, interviews unnerve the even the best. Unless you're up for parole, no one likes to be grilled and observed for an hour or so.

Good luck to your next interview.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

So When Did I Become My Mother

This morning I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and noted my sagging breasts. If you think small breasts don`t sag give me a call. In the instant my brain registered this I thought of my mother, who by the way, left out her breast gene while conceiving me. It was then I asked ''when did I become my mother?''

It`s not such a bad thing to be my mom. My memories of her vibrancy and life cutoff 23 years ago when she passed at the age of 53. Yet, I recall her body frame, go figure. Now a mother and wife, I see some similarities with my mom like our love of clothes. Just the other week, one of the Doe`s confessed I reminded her of Mommy with my sense of style. But it was the glimpse of her I seen in the mirror.

So becoming my mom is all that bad, as long as I don`t pin curl my hair. Good Day.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Nun who said FUCK

Last night was Book Club night with a small group of women. The book of discussion is The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman, a noted columnist from the New York Times. Interestingly, the conversations took many winding roads like a drive through the hillside vineyards in the Alps.

With only a few in the group reading the book, we enjoy the company and the conversation ranging from globalization to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But most interestingly and quite funny was the former nun who said fuck. No one gasped, quite the opposite, the lady on my left said "You just said FUCK, you're a former nun." The former nun brushed off the comment and continued her tirade on the greedy ass phone companies.

Never a dull moment with these women. I look forward to the next one.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sex In The City 2

I am a fan of Sex In The City of late. I picked up on the series in the 3rd to last episode and fell in love with the girls . At times, like most fans, I identified with Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte. And last evening seeing SITC 2, I am still a fan.

So my first movie review goes: grab a couple of girlfriend, leave your man at home, make a night of it with dinner and cocktails. Sex In The City 2 is not a cinematic movie meant to evoke deep meaning in the Plains of Arabia but to evoke many outbursts of laughs as Carrie and the gang show us their lives. Just like you and me they have hang ups, at times are unsure of themselves and have crazy busy lives.

And the clothes, shoes and accessories make even plain Jane's grovel with envy. Just these alone make the movie interesting.
