Thursday, February 19, 2009

Random Things about Me

  1. I am lucky in a dumb way
  2. I like to argue just to argue
  3. I am clumsy
  4. Seven is my favorite number
  5. Forgot the exact date I met my husband
  6. Talk too much
  7. Hate to answer my cell phone but love to call on it
  8. Been called a queen on more than one occasion
  9. My uncle thinks I met Nelson Mandela instead I visited Madame Toussauds in London
  10. I was a tomboy in my teens
  11. I find British humor down right hilarious and entertaining
  12. Got dumped once for not having a car
  13. I pile things
  14. Would love to try speed dating to see what all the fuss is about
  15. I am a terrible singer
  16. I love the Rolling Stones
  17. The human brain fascinates me
  18. Love my siblings but always wished I was an only child
  19. Paris is still on my agenda of things to do before a certain age
  20. Have an affinity for purses and shoes.

Trust your gut

I need to learn to trust more in general. Maybe, beginning with myself or more precisely my gut. As an idiot who prided herself in following my intuition there are times when it goes over my head.

Last week is a prime example with my son's practice mix up by the coach. None the less, leaving a couple of hockey mom's in a tizzy, including myself. But in the span of a couple of hours, my gut gave me clues that I ignored, no less than three times. That's where I am an idiot because I even read a book on using your intuition.

So trust your gut. It comes in all shapes and forms.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Year of the Whiners

I am changing the Year of the Ox to the Year of the Whiners. Is it just me or does it seem like people are whining more than ever? Take for example the moan spewed by Bernie Madoff about his house arrest, liking living in a penthouse paid for by some 13,000 investor’s money is a hardship, imagine Riker’s. Or Gwyneth Paltrow’s pretentious spiel as a down to earth perfect whiny ass rich actress who finds it pompous to be photographed with her husband. Or the ex-wife of a retired famous baseball player chasing him down NYC streets yelling and screaming he’s a loser. Closer to home, I noted it in my boys, in acquaintances. This general whimper is everywhere.

I noted this rash bellyache syndrome in the past couple of weeks. Gone are the days we read about the flamboyant lifestyles Wall Street or the celebrity hogs vying for 15 minutes of fame. You can name last year as the “Year of the Wannabe.” I Wannabe an A-List actor, banker, chef, perfect real-wife, motorcycle mechanic…… You get the gist of last year. Gone with them are the days of excess.

Now are the days of whining. Is it in the cards or in the stars this particular month or year is all about “poor me”? Am I spewing the whine as I write about it? Probably. It’s the year we hear it in all areas, for some people whine is all they can do as they lose their home to foreclosure or their job to downsizing. Who can blame the average folk for being caught in the middle of a very deep recession? We can listen because it’s sad and heart wrenching to us. We want to help, we want to be good neighbors, caring citizens because most of us are just regular average folks.

It it is quite difficult to endure the whine of people who are not in contention to lose their job or their home, who command a high or wealthy lifestyle and complain publicly when it's in jeopardy. It irks even the saintliest of people to hear of these types people cry foul. And that’s my point, this is the Year of The Whine not the Ox. Where's the ear plugs, honey.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mind Your Own Business: MYOB

I sat my son down the other day and with an authoritative mom voice telling him to mind his own business (MYOB) at school. It comes on the heel of situations, let's say, that involve my boy. To illustrate how to MYOB I gave lame examples of walking away from situations, playing in another areas in the school yard and explicitly remind him to keep his hands to himself.

Then I thought about it this morning and MYOB is easier said than done even for adults. Imagine we stay in our own business and not in others? What fun would that be? Frankly, an entire industry is based on this: celebrity media. Imagine they mind their own business making check out lines bland of glossy magazines. Now that's some revolution. Some celebrities would cry foul.

MYOB is a novel concept and works quite effectively staving off visits to the principle's office if my son wraps his mind around it. Can adults do the same? Actually, in a span of 24 hours count how many times your focus is on others. The problems occurs when we finish observing and involve ourselves through opinion, comments and/or discussions of others business.

Call it human nature to some degree that we cannot stay in our own business. It's a trait intrinsic to us to be inquisitive and explore. But we can establish boundaries on a personal level to stay in our own business. Do you really need to know your neighbors salary or an acquaintances relationship story? No, but finding out certain things about others drives our curiosity and makes us want to get in their business.

MYOB is really easier said than done but attainable to some extent. Does it really matter that your neighbor's salary is less than yours and that an acquaintance is lucky in love. What matters is you, really! It's the message I spew daily to my boys hoping they we get it.