Monday, March 29, 2010

Book Club Variety

I had the pleasure of being in the company of a diverse group of women, as diverse as the colors of the Benetton store last evening. The most interesting, an ex-nun who just past her fortieth anniversary of leaving the convent. I met two pairs of mother and daughter members and a vast array of artists.

I just happen to be the baby of the group with the love of reading tying us together in the comforts of the hosts' home for a book club. I sat in the back, as I am new to the group and spoke only when asked a question. I marveled at the depth and sometimes lack deeper meaning in their discussion on passages from the "book Women Who Run With The Wolves" by Clarissa Estés. On woman groaned "Not that book again, I just don't like it!"

At times, the conversation moved to personal issues, like the ex-nun who texted to herself and the widow who marveled at her two daughters constant use of their laptops and Facebook. All very delightful and entertaining for my first ever book club. Hooray, I am invited back with a new read by Thomas Friedman, a columnist for the New York Times and author of "The World is Flat."

Happy reading!

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