Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why Is It Always About The Sleaze

Maybe I am somewhat of a wallflower, a bit too conservative at times and let me throw this in for good measure: not so well endowed in the booby department. Yesterday, on Facebook my nieces posed in a picture with what I call the porn queen pucked lips.

This disconcerting turn of events in the past few years have young women fashioning looks of a prostitute. You see it everywhere, particularly, in the tabloids where popular culture seems to begin a trend. And young girls think this is what expected of them to feel attractive as this trashy fashion statement continues to exists. I don't think the same rules apply to them as they did for earlier generations.

But let me just say not all young women do this, I have another niece who is much more conservative in dress. I feel for every parent of a teenage girl or young adult. I only have sons who still let me choose their clothes!

Now I know what my parents went through when I was a teenager. My dad brought me home from my summer job one day after showing up with a spaghetti strap shirt, mind you I worked in his field office on a construction site. In the same way it horrified him to hear catcalls from his crew, I am horrified with todays fashion trend.

I guess one way to avoid this disturbing trend is to not look at tabloids as I wait in the check out line. And avoid Facebook, lol.

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