Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tides of Change

In the last couple of years, I lost faith in almost all things held dear to me. If somebody had said it was a growing process or part of life I would have screamed in my highest pitched voice F*&% OFF. All areas of my life change. My so called career tanked, my personal relationships were in shambles and to top it off my finances took a huge hit. So there you see, life sucked. And if that was not enough, I watched two of my neighbours lose their homes to foreclosure echoing how vulnerable the economy really is.

As the tides of discontent began receding, I became over cautious, jumping at anything out of the ordinary and with little faith. As I cringed from any little thing out of the ordinary, I lost sight of the fact that my life did change for the better and my faith never really left, it was shall I say in remission. In all the things that could go wrong and did go wrong in my life, there were many that did go right. My new career took off and my personal life is no longer in chaos.

And today, as an advocate of victims of abuse, justice was served in the Penn State child sexual abuse case as Jerry Sandusky was found guilty on 45 counts of sexual abuse and will likely serve the rest of his life in prison. As the verdict came out last night, my son and I were watching the NHL drafts and my phone beeped in a successions that I knew something big happened. I opened my phone to read the verdict and raised my hand in the air. My son was dismayed and not understanding why I was so happy that a man was going to prison. This morning, we talked and I told him the cheer was for all victims of abuse who are afraid to speak out. It's another affirmation that telling someone of abuse is still the right thing to do and eventually justice does prevail.