Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bella Blueberry

I wanted to write something smart yet funny story about my hyper dog Bella and her experience at our cottage but it's not happening. My little one asked if I could post something about this, I'll give it a try.

Let's put it this way, Bella is a miniature poodle with too much time on her hands and up in the mountains she a cross between a rabbit and a deer hopping and jumping through the air but looks like a black bear cub.

Blueberry season is in full swing and I picked a bunch for pancakes. Of course, Bella wanted to eat them. Typical dog. Not so typical, she liked them. I cannot recall any other dog liking fruit.

I need a video of Bella attacking me and my bowl of blueberries and a self addressed envelope to America's Funniest Video contest. As a dog, she did learn quick to sit for a treat and when I ignored her requested she just began eating them right off the bush. Now that's creative, even for a crazed dog that just jumped on the couch my son's foot long sneaker.

Blueberry to you.

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