Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Year of the Cheater

I had a moratorium on discussing high profile infidelities. I figure my input was not needed, and I can be certain it's still not but I notice a theme here. It really seems like it's been the year of "Cheater, Cheater Pumpkin Eaters". Let's see, we had the Eliot Spritzer debacle, "Don't cry for me" Argentina Mark Stanford, Tiger's Beat and the Billionaire Billboard guy from Oracle. Worst of worst is John Edwards. Who in their right mind has an affair and gets caught when your wife has cancer. That's just inhumane. But worse is that his top aide wrote a tell all book about this.

My thoughts immediately go to the wife and children and how they have to cope with the onslaught of publicity for something they have not part of.

I once read an article about the difference between men and women when a spouse is ill. The article stated on average women were more likely stay by the bedside nursing their husbands back to health. Whereas, men were more inclined to run, not that many do, but when sickness strikes men it seems are far more likely to be unable to cope with the stress of it all. Almost like the fight or flight syndrome. When I heard this it made sense about women sticking by their men when infidelity struck. Yuck. There may be truth to this because when a women cheats, it's not often you hear of the man sticking in the relationship.

Nevertheless, it just appears these louts are getting busted far more often then, may I say, they thought they would? Maybe I can rephrase it as "The Year of the Lout." There's my five cents on the issue.

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