Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

It's my son's first day of grade 4, his excitement took him to the bus stop in a slight jog to my delight. He changed school last year. After a horrific year with the meanest teachers in the entire school the result was my boy crying and protesting each and every day. He kept telling me he was going back to his old school, even at one point claiming he would run away to his old school. To avoid another miserable grade, I put it in his head the grade four teachers were the best, kindest ones of the whole school. Here's to his first day of school being a success. I cannot wait to see him off the bus.

Day Five of Cleanse

I made it to Day Five of the Master Cleanse and I feel great. It's funny yesterday I spent the afternoon with the other Doe Sisters and as they all lagged and yawned I was filled with energy. That was great triumph for me and one of the greatest test to my stamina being around my sisters who can sometimes be a little more critical than Anna Wintour.

In addition to my new found energy is the fact that I drop a couple of pounds very quickly. Woot, Woot. My goal is 10 days but I will do it one day at a time.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day Three of Cleanse

I am so proud of myself for making this cleanse working. Today, is my third day and I feel elated and lighter: 4 ½ lbs lighter. My mood is good too and I am stronger. Not bad considering I did not eat a single thing for the past three days, just the Lemonade drink, some herbal tea and lots of water. I wore my tight jeans yesterday and they fit better.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Master Cleanse

Today, I began the Master Cleanse drinking lemon water laced with maple syrup. I gave this much thought over the past year wondering if it was right for me. Finally, I decided to try it. Not a hard cleanse to do but it does take planning on your end. I had to fit it in between holidays and found the perfect opportunity this week and ending on the day we leave for our last summer vacation. I found the same resolve in myself when I quit smoking years ago. It's a strange thing but I manage my day at the office pretty good and the timing went perfectly. So here's to the end of Day One.

The best morning ever


This morning I got off to a great start as I covered my son with his blanket, he whispered "you're the best, Mom." The love and appreciation is ten times better than coffee and a terrific way to start your Monday morning. On this fine Monday morning, I begin a master cleanse with lemon juice. I have ten days between trips and need it. My grandmother did her own version of a cleanse she termed "a physical" once a month. It served her well she lived until 94. Have a wonderful day.

DS Omen

Here I was scanning the home page of today's Wall Street Journal and came across the Hindenburg Omen, a stock market indicator by Jim Miekka, a blind mathematician, in Maine that predicts stock market crashes. This guy has predicted successfully most crashes since 1987. Ha. I needed to say that. I guess I am not the only one feeling a looming market crash.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Eat Pray Love

I cannot wait to see Eat Pray Love starring my favourite actress Julia Roberts. After reading the book, I realized if one could rise from the ashes of a nervous breakdown and write about it anything was possible for me and Elizabeth Gilbert. Around the time the book was released, I went through a rough patch in my life. I questioned the validity of everything and felt fucked up too. Although, I did not cross continents to solve my issues, I admired and revelled in her pureness in discussing her pain in print. I even questioned the integrity of her writing. Was she writing for an audience or did she really feel those words?
Because, some of her words resonated with me and I did not need to learn she was a charlatan. That would have blown my world in pieces. As I later learned, she wrote simply and quite witty a biography of her breakdown in life and marriage. Early this year I got to hear Ms. Gilbert speak in person at an Oprah event and she again came across as down to earth, non-presumptuous person plus she is an amazing story-teller.
Here comes: Dinner Movie Coffee

Great Times Ahead

The past couple of years bordered on hard times for many as the economy in the United States tinkers on the edge of a great recession. Actually, quite close to a depression similar to the 1920's and nobody including me wants to even think it let alone write about it. No one wants the responsibility of sending a firestorm of speculation. But as summer ends and the markets are down, I think our economy is correcting itself from the years of artificial growth and expanse to the point the DJ will rest around 9000 by the end of October and slowly maintain a healthy growth for the next two decades due to caution in the "over" extending in every area of our economy.

But this is only my observation as a very green amateur stock market analysis. And yes, lots of money will be lost to those who spent the past decade artificially inflating the market for the wrong reasons. The market at freewill conducts itself. When the forces strain, coerce or even inflate it purposely it will adjust appropriately. Don't get me wrong, as a student of business and free market, I am a leaner towards the stalwart investing of Mr. Buffet and will continue to be, it's the way to make money even in rough times.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Under My Umbrella

After incessantly asking me for an umbrella, I bought my youngest a new one just in time for a wicked storm. With the loud rumbles of thunder he woke and came downstairs to try it out in the rain. To no avail, he waited until the lightning stopped and when it did the rain ended. Poor guy.

Not to worry it's fore-casted to rain all day.

Brace Yourself

Brace yourself, the big guy is getting his gear on tomorrow. The horror of a liquid diet lurks in our house. But a beautiful smile and snore “less” nights ahead for my teenager.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Truth Shall Set You Free?

They say “the truth sets you free.” From what. that't what I want to know? We each have our own truths, individual as the DNA that divides us. But on what level does the truth set us free? In my writing, I explore other truths not my own.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bella Blueberry

I wanted to write something smart yet funny story about my hyper dog Bella and her experience at our cottage but it's not happening. My little one asked if I could post something about this, I'll give it a try.

Let's put it this way, Bella is a miniature poodle with too much time on her hands and up in the mountains she a cross between a rabbit and a deer hopping and jumping through the air but looks like a black bear cub.

Blueberry season is in full swing and I picked a bunch for pancakes. Of course, Bella wanted to eat them. Typical dog. Not so typical, she liked them. I cannot recall any other dog liking fruit.

I need a video of Bella attacking me and my bowl of blueberries and a self addressed envelope to America's Funniest Video contest. As a dog, she did learn quick to sit for a treat and when I ignored her requested she just began eating them right off the bush. Now that's creative, even for a crazed dog that just jumped on the couch my son's foot long sneaker.

Blueberry to you.