Saturday, April 24, 2010

Restlessness is really avoidance

I lay down 10 times today beginning at 7:00 am this morning thinking a short siesta would cure this internal restlessness camouflaged as fatigue. Really it's avoidance, of what? That I am still trying to figure out.

But I am avoiding something. It took me a good ten minutes to log onto my blog and every possible distraction to get to this point. Writing is one of my releases, as well as, my vice in life. I may not be a Hemingway or an Austen but I am who I am. A writer. An introvert who gets out in the world through a small key hole slot of my imagination or opinion. Did I mention about another bad habit of procrastination that I love dearly too. Actually restlessness and procrastination go hand in hand in my book.

Anyway, I am here releasing some of my bad habits. I am afraid of failing so I don't try or don't follow through in many areas of my life. This drives hot husband crazy. At times me too. But I am like most women in the early 40's realizing things about myself.

With my restlessness comes the forms of distractions like throwing an impromptu dinner party and puttering about. Thank God it's the weekend and I am not going to be late for work. enjoy your day.

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