Monday, February 22, 2010

The New Hank

On Saturday, we welcomed a new member to our family named Hank. A beautiful and precious baby boy lighted up the faces of my family as we visited him at the hospital. It's a miracle of life how a tiny little boy can bring joy to our lives.

Congrats to Brett and Sarah and new Grandma Cece.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rage = House cleaning

Yesterday, rage slowly crept up behind me, then before you knew it Hot Husband was in the doghouse. But I became aware of it later on in the evening. This morning still lingering around my home, I turned it into something positive, house cleaning. Yes, my least favorite chore, now my living room resembles a living room not a locker room. As four letter words slipped from my lips, I decided instead of raging over the accumulation of things I put them away. Viola, a clean house. Thank you rage for visiting boy you were needed, come again and I will put you to good use.

Have a good day because I will. Date night.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lumps in the Pudding ©

Lumps in the Pudding© . Does it not remind you of lumps in mashed potatoes or in gravy. Not the most enduring thing to compare the lump I found in my breast the other week but that's what comes to mind.

Am I scared? Just a little bit. Hot husband held me tight and said just what I needed to hear at that moment, pretty much erasing all fears. I am more amazed at how it ached during and after the mammogram. The exam pissed me off because, it's such an evasive test. Imagine a man's penis got squeezed that hard, really. Rethink, rethink. A penis-o-gram invention would happen overnight.

So lumps in the pudding. I am not foreseeing anything but the present moment. Have a great day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Clean Bill of Health

Yesterday, hot husband and I received a clean bill of health for our older son from his physician. I must commend the local Children's Hospital with their expertise and care in what seems like forever, but is actually seven months of tests.

He did so many tests and obscure procedures, sometimes two to three a week, and came out a champ. There were times I sat outside the testing rooms crying and praying for him and then collect myself before he came out. I tried not to show my worry and angst. All the staff took excellent care of my son during this seven month trek. They examined every possibility to find that my son is okay. I am extremely grateful to them. I am proud of my son who endured all the tests and exams with such panache that it held me together. In addition, he just started high school and missed many days but with it all behind us he is still the great kid and an even better student.

Blessings come in all different packages and mine came in a phone call. Here, Here, to clean bills of health.
Shows to love this season are:

The Good Wife: A new drama, I love watching Mr. Big, he's really good at playing a jerk.
Desperate Housewives: Those women on Wisteria Lane are still nutty as ever, always a good laugh
Big Love: I marvel at the idea of a man with three wives.
Grey's Anatomy: One of my all times favorites is falling off my radar, less interesting than before but still a good watch, actually, it's on tonight.

One day to my mammogram

Ugh, tomorrow I get my mammogram for the second time since turning 40. I dread the feeling of my breast being smashed to take a picture.


According to Punxsutawney Phil winter is here for six more weeks. Ugh. To counter this news, I am sticking with the Long Island ground hog, Chuck, who didn't see his shadow and will welcome spring earlier.

I am 44 years old and feel like I can decide who to believe on this, naturally I chose Chuck the groundhog from L.I. So Chuck it is.

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Dad's birthday

Today, is my late dad's birthday, ringing in the big 82 if he were alive. We would definitely celebrate his birthday with dinner and loads of birthday wishes. His last birthday together my sister and I took him to the casino and he loved it. My feeling is he liked the casino a little bit more than he let on. Actually, I suspected he ventured weekly because he knew his way around the place quite familiarly.

His favorite saying when the winning wasn't happening "I have a better chance of being struck by lightning" or "no luck here." On the other hand, he brought me luck, the few times we went together I won. My dad it turns out brought the luck to me.

So today, no matter where he is I am thinking about him and wishing him a happy birthday my lucky dad.