Wednesday, September 14, 2011


After six months and two weeks of being out of work, guess who got a new job? A new start, in a new direction! Moi!

I can lie and say it was easy but the past six months were difficult but somewhere within me laid a thirst for something new and I got it. And I am so grateful, just getting up and having a routine in the morning is great. It began to get mundane with my boys back in school. The day was filled with vast emptiness except for the odd errand or interview I attended.

Now, I am getting my grove back and liking it. To those still looking don't give up hope and still go on as many interviews as possible, it's good practice and keeps you current. I interviewed for my job rather quick and got the job pretty much on the spot. But then I didn't hear anything for over two weeks and gave up on it. Then, late one afternoon, I got an email asking to start ASAP.

So there you see don't give up on the job you think will pan out because it probably will in the end. Umpah!




Friday, September 2, 2011

March On!

"Hold your head up high and walk with dignity"
is the theme today. My mom's BFF told me that was their motto as they walked through life.

I love their strength, they paved the way for me.