Monday, March 14, 2011

Am I Hard On Myself? Duh!

Are you kidding? Who is not hard on themselves?

Years ago, a group of moms gathered outside an arena waiting for our children to come out and one woman said to me "we are too hard on ourselves." I thought about that for some time and concluded it was true. But never for a moment did I internalize it like the article this weekend in the New York Times "Go Easy on Yourself, A New Wave of Research Urges" by Susan Pope lead me to.

It's true, I am compassionate to others, including children but when it comes to myself, now that's another story. Not a day goes by when I am critical about my weight, my hair, and my financial habits. I lose myself in the condemnation of myself when it comes to my weight. A perfect size 9 most of my life, I valued it, I showed it and I revelled in it. Until, I got comfortable and began putting on weight. Now, at 45 I am 30 pounds overweight and continuously beat myself up about it. But the whippings don't stop there, there's my non-career job, my inability to project the family income into the profitability sector of the economy, my inability to learn a second language, my childrearing skills and the list goes on. Catch me at 3 am when I am in the troughs of the whipping. It's in these moments that the self-loathing really takes place.

But I intellectually know to be kind to myself but realistically ain't so. And who said to be compassionate to yourself helps you lose weight. Boy, I am going to try that. Have a great day because compassion dictates that I should too. J


Sunday, March 6, 2011

In Or Out in Social Media

Sometimes there are things that just creep me out. It's that feeling someone is watching you. On social media it's quite a different story because we put ourselves out there and should expect that. I found it a little unnerving at first but I realize it's the times. We are in the open more than we ought to be. This from the girl who has her own blog, DAH.

So you must choose to be in or out, per se, in social media. And just by opening a Facebook account years ago, I unwittingly decided to be an Social Media In"y".