Sunday, June 27, 2010

Things gone bad

This morning the Wall Street Journal has an article on 8 Blunders Job Hunters make like showing up for an interview with your kids or taking calls. I figure karma is telling you something when you have no choice to bring your children along for an interview. I laughed not at the others ill-gotten faith but at my own blunders. I am a real woman, I can laugh at my own foibles.

I remember acing an interview, getting the job and showing up on time, really on time. A day early to be exact, on a Monday. Reasonable to assume most jobs begin fresh on a Monday! Not this time, the bank I worked started new employees only on Tuesdays because Monday turns out to be too hectic. So much for acing the interview, obviously my mind did not register that.

But interviews are nerve racking and intense at the best of times. I just completed interviews last week for a scholarship board I chair. The candidates all had sweaty palms and nervous faces. But after relaxing somewhat they all pulled through and stepped up to the plate.

The worst interview is from someone not qualified for the job. Like the guy who chose his current girlfriend as his role model. While most people choose a mentor or parents, this idiot chose his main squeeze. Go figure young and not yet matured. All said, interviews unnerve the even the best. Unless you're up for parole, no one likes to be grilled and observed for an hour or so.

Good luck to your next interview.

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