Friday, April 16, 2010

The Does

I once Facebooked fudge is like family. Lot of sweet people with a few nuts. And in most cases it's true. There is not one family I know that has it all together including mine. I have five Doe Sisters and we are scattered across the Northeast but it's like we live on the same street.

Some days we are as close as sisters can be and other days when we are mortal enemies but in the end we love each other and are there for one another through good times and bad times. One of the Does is going through a particularly rough time of it, recently suffering a break up. Actually, she's been suffering the troughs of love for a long time. If I blinked and opened my eyes 20 years in the past, she would be at the same point in life. Love gone sour.

As her Doe Sister, I just want to hug her and tell her everything is going to be okay but it's not like that. This Doe does not do hugs well or advice or anything. She is head strong and will do what she will do. Not to anyone's delight and I am guessing including her own.

Sisterly love. Always. Forever.

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