Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blogging My Way to Sanity

Nobody really told me growing up would be hard. I mean, who in their right minds will tell you that your family can be toxic at times and on top of that, in order to get some peace in your life, you need to cut out the things that don't bring you peace. Go figure, the real treasure hunt begins trying to determine just that. It sounds simple yet when it involves your family it's not easy, at times its heart wrenching, but in order to have some sort of harmony in my life I needed to determine what causes me so much grief.

I am forty-five, yes, forty-five years old folks and I am coming to terms with my life in order to move on to the next step: FUN. In the next ten years, both my boys will be gone to college; at least those are MY plans. I will have a home to myself with my love and I want to enjoy life to its fullest. This is not to say, I will have a naked room like in the movie "Failure to Launch" but I will have more time on my hands to do the things I want to do. In order to get there, I need to clear up a few matters in my life that bog me down. It's funny how a couple months at home, without a job, gets you thinking, in my case, I can say the past ten years came to a head in the last couple months. And I seen the trees in the forest so clear it was breathe taking.

As a result, I can say with certainty is that everyone at one point or other experiences challenging times with a family member(s). In my case, I am not in the clear when it comes to this and that's my point. There is no real immunity when it comes to strife in a family the real choice in the matter is either continue engaging in it or get the hell out for the sake of your sanity. And that's where my friend Olive's advice comes in, her line "love them from a distance" does make life more pleasurable.
So, I love from a distance now and I am happy in my mostly peaceful life. To end today's blog on the side of humour, one of my favourite sayings "Family is like fudge, a whole lot of sweetness with a few nuts in the mix." Have a wonderful day and enjoy.



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