Friday, May 20, 2011

End of the World, yeah right, maybe as we know it

I remember watching a documentary years ago on the Jehovah Witness' included was their prediction the end of the world to be something like June 21st, as the cults members prepared for the world to end, the leaders based in Brooklyn made a huge fortune cashing on real estate holdings. But the day came and went with no big catastrophe and life went on and their END OF DAYS prediction garnered little or no publicity.

Today, we have this guy Harold Camper a former engineer turned prophet claiming Judgment Day is tomorrow May 21, 2011. Like Y2K, it's a sham. One of my sisters fell very bad for Y2K, spending enormous amounts of money on supplies that would last her for two years. She spent one month canning 200 cases (4800 jars) of tomatoes. For six months, all that came out of her mouth was how the world was going to crash, how satellites would fall from the sky. The best I did was buy a flashlight and stay on the computer well past mid-midnight.

It leads me to thinking what makes people latch on to such extreme things. There has to be something going on in their life that propels them to believe such nonsense and the only people they work up is themselves.

What are you doing on Judgement Day? Me, I will be bringing my son to his lacrosse practice and making dinner. Enjoy.

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