Friday, May 27, 2011

Did I Hate High School?

Before I answered the question, I will say this about high school because one day my sons may read this blog post. High School was one important and vital step in my future and the main reason I am sitting here writing. But I didn't always like high school, like most teenagers around the age of 14 or 15 you get this bright idea you don't need school and would rather do anything but get up in the morning and go.

Take me for instance, in grade 9 I wanted to quit school and join a commune type camp in upstate New York. I spent a summer or two hanging out with friends at this very rustic abode. Some of my friends' parents left their life behind to sleep in crammed quarters very similar to a youth hostel. My friends didn't attend school and spent much of each day doing nothing. I thought this was utopia with cute guys and good friends but my parents had other ideas.

One day shy of the new school year, my uncle came by to pick me up to my horror. When I got home, my dad was at our house which was odd because my parents were divorced and we only seen my dad occasionally. A united front. I remember crying and begging my parents to let me go back to no avail. I sat on my front porch in complete defiance sobbing and every few minutes saying mean things to them. I thought conventional schooling sucked, I wanted the Bohemian education offered at the semi-commune camp that my friends were at.

At the time, my dreams were to become a full time Bohemian and fall in love with a cute Bohemian guy. We would marry and live on the land and just love each other. I had no concept of money but it didn't matter, my idealistic lifestyle would sustain me. I dreamed of days of complete bliss with my then boyfriend. He spent most of his life doing this with his parents, he didn't go to high school and couldn't read, I later found out the same was true for most of my friends at the camp. Most struggled to get an education later in life realizing its importance. While they got an education I was already working and complete mine.

But parents really knew best, by then I think being the sixth child they knew my anger would pass and it did. By the end of the week, I was back in the normal grove of high school and went on to graduate making my parents proud, even more so when I went to university. So, I will say all kids hate high school at some point and it's normal but to chuck it completely is a disaster. As for life as a Bohemian I still retain some of the free spirited ways.

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