Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Angered Mom hits husband over the head with a pot!

I read a funny article today about a woman in Staten Island, NY who hit her husband in the head with a pot for not buying her a Mother's Day present. Ouch. Old family lore has it that an aunt hit her husband over the head with a wrench because he didn't come home all night, hence her nickname "The Wrench." What pushes a woman over the edge? I think it's simple, feeling under appreciated.

I remember while in labour for my first son, my husband brought me my Christmas gifts in bed. He bought me a new faucet for the kitchen sink and a set of cheap steak knives. If it were not for the contractions and impending birth of my son, I am not sure what I would have done. But I did feel so underappreciated I wanted to cry. Months later, while dining with friends, the wife and I got to talking about the worst gifts we ever received and I brought up the faucet gift.

Later that night, my husband told me he overheard the conversation and now he worried our friends would think he was cheap. Dah. I told him he was. I was the mother of his son and all he could buy me was a new faucet! Livid, I told him "either put your heart into choosing a gift for me or don't bother." Well, not much came of that conversation for years.

Then I got smart and took on a new motto "You get what you give." And that worked like a charm because forgot to get me a gift for Mother's Day the next year and I forgot to get him a Father's day gift. He was so hurt and dismayed saying it was the worst Father's Day ever. Let me just say that until two days ago it worked out great. Like my last birthday he bought me a new laptop to my delight. But this year nodda!

No pots or wrenches went flying in any direction because my sons showered me with love and appreciation all day long and some special gifts too. That in itself is why God created children.

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