Tuesday, June 17, 2008

School Vacation

Aaaaahhhhh. Those were the days. Summer vacation looming ahead, counting the days as you dreamed in class. "I cannot wait, I cannot wait!!!! ". Thoughts of the summer plans danced about in your head as you sleepishly gazed out the window of your classroom thinking: "Who is going to be in cottage country when you got there? Any of your friends? When are we leaving for the cottage? Was the pool open? " Aaaahhhh, those carefree and unpretentious days of slumber and total vegetation. REALITY. The boys last day of school is in only four days, their vacation begins and my real job starts. It's days full of planning their activities, reminding them to entertain themselves, sign them up for numerous activities like the dive team, the polo team, the library club, a trip to Six Flags, and countless days up at the cottage. This being the first year experiencing full throttle "At Home Mom". I decided to spend the summer at home with my boys and Hot Husband (HH). Usually my command post is from my office desk now it's in the kitchen. Last year, the older one went to a two week day camp with some cousins and the little one stayed with a sitter, bless her soul, she was great. This year I am the entertainer, scheduler, planner, cook and taxi for two entire months. I'm a bit over whelmed to say the least. I find it easier at times dealing with adults, deciding budgets, meetings, etc. Call me a "Mom Wimp" but I'm new at this. I have some creative ideas to run by HH before going ahead with anything. But I know my resources will be put to the test with my boys. At the office, I can think on my feet, directing a staff and dealing with suppliers, I can handle disgruntled employees and a crisis in production all in the span of a morning. I am or should I say was married to my work and loved it. Now, I am married and at home. I am a full time at home mom. Check in with me in September to see any radical changes from staying at home, such as wearing an apron, Stepford Wive Syndrome or slightly deranged!!! As much as I'm looking forward to spending the summer with my children is as much I'm worried my boys will be bored, unmanageable or both. I know it's going to be fine. Actually, it's probably going to be one of the best summers we ever had. Four days to go!!!!

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