Friday, June 13, 2008


I always wished to be born in the era of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, to be part of the freedom movement, to be part of such a powerful liberating force. All through high school and college I wanted to be a hippie and travel the country and just be part of that era. I was born just as this was incredible time wrapped up. I heard the famous speeches and read a bit for a glimpse in the wonderment of JFK. And as a member of a minority I know what racism is, instinctively understanding and gravitating towards their messages. Still to this day when I hear either ones voice I am enthralled. I see what got a country up on its feet taking notice of their messages. They were powerful, non-threatening, they had charisma and inflection in their spoken words. And for all these reason and many more, a burning light of hope was left in the heart and souls of Americans. Today, I am so fortunate and grateful to be witness to another remarkable man I believe is just like Kennedy and King: Obama. There is a distinctive and powerful attraction in this man's message. He has a remarkable liking to these two famous leaders. Just his messages alone impacted America in the past year to win him the nomination of the Democratic National Party. He represents hope for all including me.

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