Thursday, June 19, 2008

Changing Careers

For the past couple of years I realized I didn't like what I was doing. I recall mentioning this to a friend over lunch and taken back at what just came out of my mouth. From that point on I knew it to be true. At this point in my life, my career morphed into something I didn't like but stayed for the financial benefits. About a month ago in a crisis meeting, my mouth opened and words came out. It was like out of body or out of mind experience. I listened as I spoke the words of my resignation. Was I crazy giving up a excellent paying job with great flexibility and great vacation time? The vision of staying home for the summer with my boys was looming in the forefront of my thoughts. I truly believe my ego put them there to avoid a meltdown of tears in front of my boss. I could not believe I was leaving. I handed my keys and files over to the boss, lingered literally minutes and walked out. Walked out. Hot husband knew I was unhappy and urged me to tough it out a couple of months or until I lined up a new job. My conscious mind had no control over my abrupt quitting. Deep down I knew it was the right thing to do but I do miss the Independence of a high paying job. I felt accomplished and justified for all the wrong reasons. And if you haven't noticed I said job not career or passion because it was just that a JOB. So here I sit two days away from Summer Vacation with my boys and thinking about what I really want to do. Boy, at times it's an unguided dilemma with no exit in sight. Then there are moments my brain wraps around an undefined cluster of hope and direction on my career. It's a start for now.

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