Thursday, June 26, 2008

D & G

Dolce and Gabbana. Doom and Gloom. D & G. I was recently asked by a family member, quite seriously, if our family was plagued with dilemmas. I asked " Like a black cloud hovering and moving with our every move" She didn't agree with the black cloud syndrome, so I blurted out "You mean D & G, Doom & Gloom, ". She didn't quite get what I was inferring. I chuckled a bit and admitted I once thought the same of our family. Before I go any further my immediate family is the size of a small country so statistically speaking we are bound to have clusters of shall we say dilemmas: good or bad. Quizzically, I asked what she meant by dilemmas? It turns out she has the D & G glasses on - or how I put it - the "Doom & Gloom" glasses. I said it was a matter of perspective and explained that I noted this years ago coming to terms with my own D & G syndrome. Being passed down from generation to generation we got emotions filled with blame, unhappiness and melancholy as commonplace. Oh there was joy, cheery filled days and just as you experienced this some one from my maternal side of the family couldn't live with the fact that we were enjoying life would come and mar the situation with their brand of D & G. At the time I didn't understand that misery likes company and formulated my own D & G traits. The probability was inevitable. Back to my doe sister who is a couple of years younger and much wiser I believe in areas didn't truly accept my interpretation, so I put it like this: "If all you ever see is the bad in a situation, people or things guess what? That's what your going to get in life". I reminded her there are so many good things in our family. If you look for the good you will find the good. It may not be biblical in proportion but its there: true goodness.

Years ago, I took responsibility and realized there was more to life than the dark side. I filled my heart and mind with positive energies, read countless self help books and one day realized I am in charge of my life. Really, really, really in charge of my own life. I cannot say it has been all easy, there are times less often then before where D & G creeps back up. But I changed my perspective and decided to ditch the D & G for pure joy, you can call it PJ.

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