Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Last Day of Summer Vacation

Today comes with mixed emotions as it is the last day of summer vacation in my home. Like all moms back to school is a big event whether our children love school or dread it.

In my case, the boys are split down the middle when it comes to starting school this week. My older one is eager to go back to connect with all his friends, whereas my little is dreading the first day of school tomorrow.

As for me, I am happy with regret. I love my boys and was fortunate to spend the summer with them but now I need some quiet time. I need a morning at home just to sit and relax. Have a conversation on the phone without getting interrupted or eavesdropped on. Go through a day without putting on my referee shirt. Or making three meals a day, I have boys; they eat me out of house and home.

I am sad too that another is upon us and they are growing so fast. I get a lump in my throat and all choked up thinking what's on the horizon too. I am going to enjoy the last day of summer vacation with them boys when they wake up. Lol.


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