Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 Things I learned about looking for a job................

After spending the summer sending out  countless resumes, I am finally realizing two things about the hunt for a job. One, answering job postings for the unemployed is like what blind items are to a gawker: they are too numerous to count and it's a hit or miss (mostly miss). Secondly, looking for a job takes skill but more importantly, contacts.

Most of my jobs in my life came through referral but this time I didn't feel it was necessary to let all my contacts know that I was yet again looking for a job. I think I may have topped the record of having three jobs in ten years each time leaving me unemployed in between.

Nevertheless, as I began looking for a job closer to home, my previous tenures commuted me 1 ½ hours a day in my car. I didn't call on any of my good ole reliable ones this time. I sent out resumes for job listings, sometimes three a day. I got three email replies, two interviews and three rejection letters. One Google search on a prospective employer turned up a weird cult under investigation and odd signage about saying Jesus Christ in the workforce, creepy.

If anything, my summer job trek proved to be entertaining in the least. So, late last month, I succumbed to calling up some of my ole contacts and put the word out I was looking for a job, again. In the past couple of days, those awkward calls are turning into fruitful delights.

Yesterday, an old colleague called and asked me to come work at her place. Her place turns out to be a great paying opportunity. Another colleague recommended me for a position, although, I didn't get it, I am on her radar. And another friend calls routinely as she has dibbed on an internal job bank at her place of business.

Today, I go for another interview with a perspective employer who offers contracts. So peeps, with resume in hand, I walk the road to employment and real soon I will be in another fabulous job.





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