Thursday, August 11, 2011


I read today a U.S. Energy department panel is recommending tighter regulations for natural gas drilling commonly termed "fracking." From what I understand the shale drilling disrupts underground water reservoirs often leading to contamination of ground water in areas surrounding these drilling sites. In many cases, the contamination affects entire water distribution systems in the area prohibiting water usage.

Despite the environmental concerns, who do you think will win on the environment front? It just makes me wonder if the regulations will make it to the legislative state. It seems in our day and age big business seems to prevail despite all critical oversight departments and bodies in government.

Why such a dismal view on promising recommendations? It appears that big business find ways through lobbyists and government officials to rule in their favour. This is ever so present in Wisconsin, were the rights of the people are pushed to the side for the power of big business.

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