Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today began with an odd sort of feeling. I thought for a moment that my Word of Day would be foreboding. It was something that was in my thoughts from the moment I woke up. But I read the definition to be sure that I knew it meant the feeling something bad is going to occur. I choose not to even put a word today, why start a perfectly good day on a bad note.

Give or take 30 minutes, the foreboding my gut was screaming finally came to fruition as I watched two men dressed in black knock on my neighbour's door and a van pulled up in front of my house. Then a young guy jumped out of the van holding duct tape ran up the path to my neighbour's house. What the heck was going on? I was about to call 911 when I noted a city employee pull up too. As it turns out my neighbour foreclosed on her place.

The rest of the day was spent is sadness for my neighbour. Did you know you cannot take belongings for your neighbour? I asked along with another neighbour if we could store some of her belongings. We were met with a big "No." Sad, sad day in the neighbourhood.

It's the first time I witnessed such an event, I felt deep sorrow for my friend and her teenage son and I was completely helpless in the situation. Thus the foreboding feeling. With all the events unfolding, I heard about the earthquake here on the east coast. I didn't feel it neither did my sons. It puts things into perspective for me today; it showed me how much I had to be grateful for and how fortunate I am.

My husband came home at lunch and I gave him a huge hug and kiss. I am so lucky. Tonight, pray for all the people who have it hard, pray for their wellbeing.

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