Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Beginnings

If you asked me six months ago, even a year ago, where I would be today? In answering,   I would have not strayed far from the status quo. But here I am the day before July begins with new beginnings in most areas of my life. I am a creature of habit that does not stray far from my nest. I say that with pun intended as I watch two baby hummingbirds prepare to fledge any moment.  
I am flipping between writing this post and watching the webcam: . In one breathe I am sad they are leaving home but in another I know it's time. New beginnings, just like the hummingbirds, are part of nature and the more you resist the better chance you'll end up in not a good place. So here I am on the eve of a new month, a new job, a few new friends and a new look. As difficult as it has been, I am finally embracing the changes and liking them too.
If someone whispered in my ear when I was young that my life would turn out much better than living a nightmare of a childhood, I probably would have thought they were lying because I could not imagine how it could get any better, really. But I sit here today light years away from that life and in a better place. Actually, I am tens of miles away from my childhood home, I live a life where there is no violence, no alcoholism, no yelling and no hiding. And I like it. 
My new beginnings also brought solitude, comfort and vanishing eczema that plagued me for years and up until recently was really getting bad, I suspect it was stress related. Then as I shed the past from my present and definitely from my future the eczema, anxiety and stress all seemed to disappear. It's a new beginning, like Joplin and Heather, the two baby Channel Hummingbirds ready to fledge. 
Life is free, enjoy.

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