Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feeling Good

Today I choose to feel good.

Is it not one of the simplest statements and yet one of the hardest to accomplish?

When you think about how many times in a day you feel good, think again. Try to recall how many times your thoughts wander into not so "good thought" territory? Like right now, are you thinking about what to make for dinner, how your kids are doing at school, is your sister still pissed at you? In fact, in a span of less than a minute you could have up to 100 not so good thoughts. Try this, in one day, in a morning, in an hour or in ten minutes, count how many times you feel good and how many times you feel bad. You really need to monitor closely and at times it can be quite challenging. For example, you're driving to work and the traffic is almost non-existent, you feel great that your actually traveling past 30 mph on the freeway. But then you think, is there something wrong? Where are all the morning commuters? Is today a holiday? OMG I sent my kids to school on a holiday? You call your husband to see what day it really is? This my friend is not feeling good. On top of that, it could have all transpired in less than a minute. So instead of embracing the moment and enjoying it, you allowed your thoughts to trail off into the abyss of negative ones.

Is it just too hard to feel good all the time? For a reformed pessimist it used to be. Now, I train my thoughts to feeling good. Great news. Currently, I keep a conscious note of feeling good and I must admit at times it too is challenging. In the span of writing this blog, my thoughts are all over the place and I continually bring them back to the idea of sharing my little tidbit for today is a good thing. Then I smile. The results have lunged me into the good spectrum of the rainbow and is quite noticeable by HH (Hot Husband). So much so, not long ago, he gave a toast to me in front of a group of our closest friends and family. He talked about how much I changed for the better and he was so sincere and gracious I smiled as it brought me to tears.
So, yes it is possible to feel good most of the time. All of the time is quite another endeavour. I still need the odd time to get pissed, feel bad and or angry. I have not mastered utopia like the Dali Lama or Mother Theresa. Plus, I feel great trying. :)

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