Thursday, December 24, 2009

OMG I am more like my mom than imagined!

Christmas music is on, I am humming, food is cooking on the stove, a fine mist of flour covers too many surfaces in my kitchen. OMG I became my mother. Yeah.

Like many, there are some things I rather not repeat from generations past but they are very few. I think its because my mom died so long ago, I want to emulate her and put her motherly warmth in my home just like she did.

Yesterday, I told hot husband I missed my mom and I truly do. Christmas is always a difficult holiday to get through and particularly though when both parents are gone. But I do like the feeling that I am like my mom in certain ways and this thought came as I was humming to Christmas music.

This year we are very blessed to have each other and add more traditions to our holidays. One is my recipe chocolate fudge cookie. Apparently, it's all the rave with my nieces and nephews, who are putting in special orders on Facebook. So yesterday, I made double my usual holiday supply. I also somewhat perfected a fudge my mom made us when we were little. I boxed wrapped it special for my sisters and sent it on its way. Just a little reminder of our youth and our mom.

Sometimes it's okay to be like your mom.

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