Thursday, December 17, 2009

Getting into the spirit of Christmas

The other week, I was down in the dumps for absolutely no reason. A complete lie. For many, including me, this time of the year sometimes trudges up old shit. And if I am not on top of it it creeps back into my life. So, instead of rehashing the hurts and pains of yesteryear I will just say Christmas time was as perfect as it could be.

But when you have young children you really don't have the time to explore and lull in this. I needed Christmas spirit. I bought my first artificial tree in the hopes that putting it up at the end of November would kick my butt into holiday mode. To no avail. I left it there unadorned for two weeks and marveled at the idea that I could live with it just like that.

I took another stab at it by making my husband put more lights up the only thing it changed was the utility bill. See, the holiday blah blahs. I wanted to get into the spirit early and get the shopping over with but not much aided my quest.

So there I stood in the super sized store of super sized everything, Costco. Looking intently at the all the merchandise holiday related without much luck. Then something struck me, I needed something to put me into the spirit soon. Ah ha, walking down the book aisle I found just the thing. A mushy happy go lucky Christmas book. The book pointed in all the right directions of a Hallmark made for T.V. movie and best of all it cured me of the blah blahs, put a smile on my face and kicked my Grinch Ass.

With nine days to go, I am almost done the shopping and gearing up to bake some yummy treats with the boys. Even Hot Husband is in the Holiday spirit. I love it.

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