Sunday, October 25, 2009


You know that saying "it's all a matter of perspective" got me thinking yesterday as I drove to my hair appointment. Feeling glum and a tad bit icky from a bad hair day, even the prospect of getting my hair done could not shake this mood. Is it really all a matter of perspective? Am I putting more thoughts to a problem at home or is it totally out of perspective. What I think is not necessarily what Hot Husband thinks and that is reality. But my own reality of the a certain situation could be quite different from HH. Could I be imaging issues in our home. Nah.

In the last couple of months, Hot Husband is melting faster that the polar ice. He is moody, at times reclusive and evasive. And he spews like Mount Etna. Like last week, desperately needing a break, my doe sister invited me out for the afternoon, initially reluctant to go, I accepted her invitation. My older son could not come due to a game but my little one was free so I decided to bring him along. Well, that did not go over well with Hot Husband or should I call him Hot Headed Husband, lol.

As we set out the door the volcano erupted and he insinuated my poor parenting skills for taking our son away from homework. With PMS only slightly subsiding, I roared back and an argument erupted. My younger one covered his ears. All I wanted to do was run and cry. It seems the simplest things set him off. Initially, blaming myself I realized he is having a MID LIFE CRISIS. Ugh. Not enjoyable for me and definitely not for him. Funny thing is it's the name of his band.

I tried a soothing approach last week to no avail but an eruption of anger. This week, I decided it's best to step aside and maybe it will pass. At what age do men go through this? And quite frankly how long does it last because this wifey is tired of gazing into ashen clouds. Yes, call me what you want but he should man up to his issues. There I said it. Comment all you want but it's true. No more pussy footing around. You have a problem and don't want help. DEAL WITH IT. And rather quickly I may add. Not only is it causing havoc on me but it's affecting the boys.

Writing is therapy, I do digress.

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