Sunday, August 31, 2008

"The In Between"

The other night over dinner conversation with my BBF and her husband, my HH (Hot Husband) began discussing middle age health issues asking his counterpart if he too questioned his own vitality. HH said each ache and pain he felt did just that! In his thirties, he just brushed off such things now it plagued him, so much so, lately he began reading the obituaries focusing on the age of the deceased. Noting the age of the deceased were getting closer to his in some cases. My BBF who had a serious condition years ago said she too felt like that each time she felt malaise. Agreeing with her, I said for the past year worry filled me too. I had pain in one of my breasts. I chuckled for the first time revealing the pain I felt was from the under wire in my bra, different bra, different pain in addition my recent weight gain was the culprit. Did I mention my cleavage and wonderment at my breast size, I'll save that for another time.

Then one of the most touching things I heard came from my BBF's husband. He cautioned HH not to think of life like that and gave a version of life that I will always hold dear to me. Here goes, his version goes something like this: he said we come into life and leave life the same way; in a pile of shit hoping someone will clean, it's a fact of life and death that the two are inevitable. So, don't waste your life worrying about the things you cannot change: birth and death, enjoy the "in between". He recalled a time while driving his Dad, who recently died, somewhere and his dad said his life was crap now that he was sick. That it was not so, he accomplished so much in life and pointed it out all the things "in between". How could he say that, it was not true, he lost sight of the fact that his life was full. So BBF's husband told Hot Husband enjoy the "in between" because you know the ending, you don't know the date, but you knowing the ending so enjoy the "in between".

Those are words to live life by.

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