Sunday, April 1, 2012


I am on the steps of changes that will alter my life in a very, very good way. Something I am not used to. Let me explain, in the past couple of years, when I thought my life could not get any worse, it surely managed to. Plainly, yes plain-ly, my life sucked for the past couple of years, from flooding to disease to lawsuits, I had it all. In the process, I managed to piss off the following but not limited to because I am sure some people just shook their heads and walked the other way unbeknownst to me. Let's see: I pissed off my family, a snarky iron cold boss, my husband, a drug dealer (not my dealer, I am a drug free gal).
I am sure someone could attest to being in a rut or having a slew of bad luck. So that's where life has taken me in the past couple of years and as much as I would like to say I was the victim in all of this it's not true. Pissing off people became my mantra, my inflated way of getting my two cents in and trying to change the world. And boy did I do that in more ways that I would care to admit.
On the upside, bad streaks come to an end and when they do, it's kinda normal to question every good thing that comes your way, even pinching it to see if it's real. So for the past couple of months I have been doing just that. After years at being at the mercy of horrible bosses, stalling my career with nowhere jobs, I broke out of it and accidently came across a new career that I love and apparently I am good at. But it's not limited to that, my thinking is clearer than ever, I am able to see beyond the smoke and mirrors, I am able to see past judgments and look at things in a very different manner. I have cleared my life of anything I don't like and replaced it with things I do.
All this good stuff is at times overwhelming but in a good way. So for a girl who saw the glass half full for the past five years, is now seeing full glasses all over the place and it's an amazing feeling that I like.  

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