Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Occupy Me

The past year had to be one of the most humbling in my life and showed its unwilling participant, me, what life is really about. And when I was not ready to face it, life found a way to come and kick me into gear. I am not the same person anymore, 2011 profoundly changed me like no other year. Like Occupy Wall Street, I occupied change or I should say change occupied me. I can tell you nothing that I wished for last New Year's Eve came true, instead Murphy's Law of Wishing ignited a firestorm that almost derailed me.

Would I change this year? No way. Despite the pain, it was all worth it, all of it. I am now a better person and truly living with integrity and pride, those my dear cannot be replaced with money, material things or not so good people. 2011 had a way of putting me in my place whether I wanted to or not. Not to brag but I have a new career that I love and loves me. I made a few new friends and love my family.

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