Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Resolutions: Bah Humbug

Not one for making or keeping a New Year's Resolution because they set you up for failure. Many, many years ago with good intentions my list of resolutions made it into my journal. Wholeheartedly and wishful thinking, I put admirable and at best unachievable goals like lose 20 pounds by Valentine's Day. Uggg, 20 pounds less would put me in the hospital. Or dump the cheating boyfriend, find a boyfriend. Or quit smoking. Or fit into a size eight tight fit CK jeans. All unrealistic and doomed to fail except maybe the cheating boyfriend.

I did eventually quit smoking without a New Year's resolution and I did lose the 20 pounds only to get them back in my forties. It is not to say do not try, by all means do. It's been said the more times tried any one particular goal eventually will lead to success. Like changing your career, how doing you know it will succeed? You don't. We all need goals in much of anything we do, however; with all the hype that starting a new year with a list of them don't you think it's a bit much. Start a goal anytime of the year. I quit smoking in the month of August with no much fanfare but a deep rooted determination. I lost 30 pounds before, during and after the holidays and dumped the cheating boyfriend in the fall of 1988.

Any day is a good day to achieve a goal. New Year's can be one of them but there are 364 other days to choose from too.

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