Saturday, May 9, 2015

Moving On!

What a year in the books.  After a long and at times torturous relationship with my husband, I pulled the plug.  In doing so, I altered the direction of my life, for the good.  Bliss is the emotion that comes to mind!!  I once heard that you choose the exact life you want and not quite understanding it until I realized it.  I chose to remain in a marriage that lacked love, compassion, companionship and trust.

Image result for bliss
I fooled myself for years into believing if I could get to next week, until the boys grew up, when I had greater job security, when, when, when, when.  I spent years living the "Good Wife", being beside a man I didn't love anymore and trusted no further than the tip of my nose. I believed staying in a bad marriage was better than being a single parent to two wonderful boys.
But things began to change when I could no longer listen to myself, when I could no longer hold up the facade and when I realized things would never be right in my marriage.  It was lopsided, with me holding it together. To blame is irresponsible because I was a participant in the union of two people. II once overheard a male colleague tell a male client, that he had the best of both world "I have a someone who cooks for me, someone who always keeps my clothes clean and someone to take care of my children," he added, "man, that's all you need in life, knowing someone was tending to your home."  It was then, I understood why my husband stuck around.
Once, I garnered the courage to take control of my life, I told him I wanted a divorce.  I could not be happier and looking forward to the future of being on my own.
That was my past year.

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