Thursday, October 23, 2008

Patricia Mary Shelly, the neighbor from hell

The other day without notice my ugly nosy imposing neighbor showed up uninvited. Every time I see this lady she gets on my nerves, under my skin and puts me in a foul mood. It's not until it's past the point of overstaying her welcome does she depart. The remains of her visit are tension that you can cut with a knife and a slew of unkind remarks, mostly directed at Hot Husband. Not only does she criticize everything he does but at times is even short with my boys. If she is particularly feisty she picks on my sisters. This woman is unrelenting and she comes around monthly. Before I realize it, she is spinning out of control in my home. For the longest time her unexpected visits took me by surprise. Only while cleaning up the emotional debris she left behind did I figure her out.

Better equipped to tackle her, the moment she is in the vicinity I let Hot Husband know and pop a couple of Midols. Her name is PMS or Patricia or Mary or Shelly. Her name is not what matters, it's her onslaught of emotional yo-yo"ing" she puts me through. In my twenties and even my early thirties Patricia Mary Shelly didn't visit often. The times she graced me with her presence were subdued compared to now. For the past five years or so, Patricia Mary Shelly reeks havoc once a month in my home. From hot to cold emotions, self-pity episodes to chocolate craving, PMS creeps up and visits for one to three days, always uninvited. Only close to her departure do I realize the havoc she causes. I promise Hot Husband advance notice when she visits but most times she's unexpectedly arrives.

To combat her intrusiveness I focus on the present constantly reminding myself she visits only once a month. Recognizing some of the symptoms early helps too. As many can attest the real issue is that ugly neighbor Patricia Mary Shelly shows up unexpected and uninvited, sometimes instantly, leaving little room for preparation. Lately I am able to shorten her visits and lessen her spew by checking the calendar and being vigilant with positive thoughts and a keen sense of awareness. And Midol. Have a great day.

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